Browsing Theology by Title
Now showing items 708-727 of 793
Die taak van die AGS-Kerk ten opsigte van die moreel-etiese toerusting van middel-adolessente - met spesiale verwysing na die invloed van musiek
(2015)The moral and ethical development of middle adolescents in the twenty first century is influenced by many factors. This study focuses specifically on the influence of seductive music in the mid-adolescent's life. Especially ... -
The task of the Missionary Church regarding moral regeneration in South Africa
(North-West University, 2011)This missiological study is to precede from the reformation Theology tradition. The Theological methodology used in this study in formulating theoretical indicators from scripture will follow the hermeneutics of Biblical ... -
Teaching and assessing Old Testament exegesis in Africa with attention to the development of the necessary thinking skills
(North-West University, 2005)During nine years of teaching most subjects at the Hefsiba Theological School in Vila Ulongue, Angonia, Mozambique, the researcher and other lecturers observed certain problems while assessing the students' sermons, projects ... -
Die teologiese gebruik van [ruach Jahwe] in die Ou Testament
(North-West University, 2004)The theological implications of the use of דזח in the Old Testament are indicated in this doctoral thesis. The Lord revealed Himself in the course of history. For this reason, the revelational-history approach is used ... -
Tertullian's theological conception of the Trinity in relation to his ecclesiastical and socio-political trajectories
(2014)Die doel van die gereformeerde apologetiek is om die Christelike geloof teen dwaalleer te verdedig. Dit is egter nie al nie. Die gereformeerde apologetiek wil ook oortuigend ʼn antwoord kan gee waarom juis die Christelike ... -
Theoconomy: an ethical paradigm for discernible economic growth − a global ethical perspective
(North-West University, 2018)The global economy needs a new order and new growth stimuli. Advancing from the modern age characterized by the industrial revolution with the associated materialism and consumer sovereignty, the emerging postsecular age ... -
The theological and practical implications of the new and emerging transgender theology
(North-West University (South-Africa), 2023-12)This research considers the scope and effect of transgender theology. It is not an evaluation, as such, of transgender ideology in general but specifically as it is encountered in the Church through theological formulation. ... -
Theological education and the effect of tribal identity upon Christian unity and mission in Burma
(North-West University (South Africa) , Potchefstroom Campus, 2016)Many Burmese are isolationists by default because of their strong ethnic and tribal sensitivities, compounded by extended socio-political repression. This insularity is often undiminished even among Christians, leading to ... -
A theological ethical perspective of corruption in Mozambique
(North-West University (South Africa) , Potchefstroom Campus, 2016)Corruption is an issue that is being debated worldwide. These debates are based on different perspectives, including political, economical, philosophical, academic, social and religious points of departure. Although ... -
A theological evaluation of atheistic ontological disproofs and modern apologetic responses
(North-West University (South Africa) , Potchefstroom Campus, 2016)This paper presents an exposition and critique of various contemporary responses to atheistic “ontological disproof” arguments based on the alleged incoherency of theistic attributes. Arguments in this class seek to ... -
A theological evaluation of T.F. Torrance’s understanding of the humanity of Christ
(North-West University (South Africa) , Potchefstroom Campus, 2017)The question of whether the humanity Christ assumed was fallen or unfallen forms one of the current interesting issues in Christology. Thomas F. Torrance is one of the key contributors to this debate. This mini-dissertation ... -
A theological evaluation of the ethics of customary marriage in the Ghanaian Christian charismatic churches in London
(North-West University (South-Africa), 2021)The purpose of this research is to address the prevalent issue of singleness, financial challenge and moral challenge due to the church’s attitude to customary marriage. The idea is to introduce and reinforce the Ghanaian ... -
A theological evaluation of the government system in the Reformed Church in Zimbabwe
(North-West University (South-Africa), 2020)This research focuses on an evaluation of the relevance of church government in the RCZ in the light of the doctrine of the church. Church government is one of the major components of the doctrine of the church, that is ... -
Theological examination of nihilism and the Eucharist applied to missions and apologetics
(North-West University (South Africa), 2020)This research compares and contrasts the Eucharist against a theological understanding of nihilism in order to develop theological explanations about the nature of unbelief. This investigation starts by examining some of ... -
A theological perspective on the holistic needs of emeritus pastors of the Apostolic Faith Mission of SA
(2014)Retirement is an unavoidable and necessary phase in a person’s life. It is also one of the biggest transitions in the life cycle of a human being. Emeritus of the Apostolic Faith Mission of S.A. (AFM) have positive and ... -
Theological understandings of migration and church ministry models : a quest for holistic ministry to migrants in South Africa
(North-West University, 2018)This thesis argues for the existence of many theological-ecclesiological approaches and responses that respond to migration challenges that are useful but also limited in many and different ways. It classifies these various ... -
A theological-ethical evaluation of the Christian-Muslim dialogue in the Swiss army chaplaincy
(North-West University (South Africa) , Potchefstroom Campus, 2016)This study addresses the research subject of Christian-Muslim dialogue in the Swiss Army Chaplaincy. Because of demographic changes, a growing number of Muslims are serving in the Swiss Army. As a result, the Christian ... -
The theology of John Charles Ryle
(Potchefstroom University for Christian Higher Education, 1991)This thesis is a study of the theological views of a leading Victorian evangelical Anglican, Bishop John Charles Ryle. The main sources for the study are the bishop's extensive writings, which run to some seven thousand ... -
The theology of theodicy : a doctrinal analysis of divine justice in the light of human suffering
(North-West University, 2004)There are few issues more worthy of our attention as Christians in the twenty-first century than that of justice and its counterpart, injustice. Much current comment or debate is understandably subjective, for who can ... -
Theophostic Prayer Ministry (TPM) : 'n prakties-teologiese beoordeling
(North-West University, 2008)Theophostic Prayer Ministry (TPM) is an unparalleled method of inner healing which was developed in 1996 by Dr. Ed Smith of Campbellsville, Kentucky. The term Theophostic is formed by a combination of two Greek words, ...