Browsing Vir die Musiekleier: 2017 Jaargang 37 by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-10 of 10
Petr Eben's organ cycle faust (1979/80)
(Die Suider-Afrikaanse Kerkorrelistevereniging, 2017)Summary Petr Eben’s large-scale cycle for solo organ Faust (1979/80) is the topic of this article. Faust is a programmatic work that is based on incidental music the composer wrote for a stage production of Goethe’s ... -
Gara Garayev transcriptions for organ CD-bespreking
(2017)Wat ’n aangename verrassing was hierdie CD nie. Dit kan beskryf word as ’n bekendstelling van ’n gevierde Azebaijani komponis wat sy skoling in die destydse USSR gehad het, binne daardie sosiale en politiek-voorskriftelike ... -
Marnus Greyling organis CD-bespreking
(Die Suider-Afrikaanse kerkorrelistevereniging, 2017)Marnus Greyling is een van die helderste opkomende sterre in die Suid-Afrikaanse musiekwêreld. Dit was dan ook te verwagte dat ’n klankopgawe uiteindelik van sy spel uitgereik sou word. Die opnames vir hierdie CD-uitreiking ... -
The secularisation of Hymnody: A crytical reading of selected texts
(Die Suider-Afrikaanse Kerkorrelistevereniging, 2017)Abstract This article gives an overview of different models of postmodern worship, including those of blended, fusion or synthesis worship, as well as the alt., emerging and liquid models. Subsequently the entertainment ... -
Responding to Xenophobia through sacred music: A self-reflexive discussion and analysis of a chamber eucharist
(Die Suider-Afrikaanse Kerkorrelistevereniging, 2017)ABSTRACT This article is a self-reflexive analysis of a composition entitled A Chamber Eucharist by Andrew-John Bethke. The composition is a six movement setting of the ordinary texts for the Eucharist (commonly called ... -
(Die Suider-Afrikaanse Kerkorrelistevereniging, 2017)In die 500ste herdenkingsjaar van die Hervorming en met die wete dat ’n artikel oor Luther in hierdie uitgawe van vir die Musiekleier verskyn, besoek ek toe ’n blog waar my oog die wonderlike trefreël vang: “Reformation ... -
Roelof Temmingh’s music for organ
(Die Suider-Afrikaanse Kerkorrelistevereniging, 2017)Abstract Numerous church organists, concert performers and composers have contributed to the long and proud tradition of organ music in South Africa. Amongst them the composer Roelof Temmingh represents a voice that has ... -
"n Ondersoek na die toepassing van die konsep "Dialektiek" in die dialektiese fantasie van Jacobus Kloppers
(2017)ABSTRACT This study is an examination of the application of the concept of dialectics in the Dialectic Fantasy by Jacobus Kloppers. Jacobus Kloppers was born on 27 November 1937 in Krugersdorp, South Africa. Kloppers ... -
Martin Luther and the pipe organ: His true sentiments affirmed
(Die Suider-Afrikaanse Kerkorrelistevereniging, 2017)Abstract Martin Luther’s views on the pipe organ as a functional instrument in the liturgy of the Reformation have been regarded as controversial for over 500 years. Based on selective research in the past, he has too ... -
Ockie Vermeulen organic CD-bespreking
(Die Suider-Afrikaanse Kerkorrelistevereniging, 2017)Die Gautengse orrelis en musikus, Ockie Vermeulen, het bekendheid verwerf weens vele konserte en solo-uitvoerings, maar ook deur sy bydrae tot die cross-over genre met sy vorige CD-vrystellings, naamlik Highland Cathedral, ...