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dc.contributor.authorUmeorah, Nneka
dc.contributor.authorMashele, Phillip
dc.identifier.citationUmeorah, N. & Mashele, P. 2019. A Crank-Nicolson finite difference approach on the numerical estimation of rebate barrier option prices. Cogent economics and finance, 7(1): Article no 1598835. []en_US
dc.identifier.issn2332-2039 (Online)
dc.description.abstractIn modelling financial derivatives, the pricing of barrier options are complicated as a result of their path-dependency and discontinuous payoffs. In the case of rebate knock-out barrier options, discount factors known as rebates are introduced, which are payable to the option holder when the barrier level is breached. The analytical closed-form solution for the vanilla options are known but the barrier options, owing to their discontinuous nature, can be obtained analytically using the extended Black-Scholes formula. This research work captures the solution of the corresponding option pricing partial differential equation on a discrete spacetime grid. We employ the Crank-Nicolson finite difference scheme to estimate the prices of rebate barrier options, as well as to discuss the effect of rebate on barrier option values. This work will further investigate the spurious oscillations which arise from the sensitivity analysis of the Greeks of the barrier options using the CrankNicolson scheme. The theoretical convergence of the Crank-Nicolson discretisation scheme will be analysed. Furthermore, our research will compare the results fromen_US
dc.publisherTaylor & Francisen_US
dc.subjectBlack-Scholes modelen_US
dc.subjectBarrier optionsen_US
dc.subjectRebate barrier optionsen_US
dc.subjectSpurious oscillationsen_US
dc.subjectCrank-Nicolson methoden_US
dc.subjectFinite difference methoden_US
dc.titleA Crank-Nicolson finite difference approach on the numerical estimation of rebate barrier option pricesen_US
dc.contributor.researchID21234175 - Mashele, Hopolang Phillip
dc.contributor.researchID27658457 - Umeorah, Nneka Ozioma

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