Browsing PER: 2019 Volume 22 by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 71
Alternatives to bankruptcy in South Africa that provides for a discharge of debts: Lessons from Kenya
(PER/PELJ, 2019)The problems faced by debtors in South Africa is not that there are no alternatives to insolvency proceedings, but that the available alternatives do not provide for a discharge of debt as with a sequestration order, which ... -
Analysing and comparing warrantless Tax inspections and searches
(PER/PELJ, 2019)Sections 45 and 63 of the Tax Administration Act 28 of 2011 (TAA) confer drastic information gathering powers on officials of the South African Revenue Service (SARS). On the one hand, section 45 permits warrantless routine ... -
An Analysis of the Public Protector's Investigatory and Decision-Making Procedural Powers
(PER/PELJ, 2019)This article critically analyses the Draft Rules to the Public Protector Act23 of 1994 and examines the efficacy of the Public Protector's decision-making procedural powers. Several procedural lacunae ... -
The application and interpretation by South African courts of General Renvoi Clauses in South African double taxation agreements
(PER/PELJ, 2019)General renvoi clauses in DTAs based on article 3(2) of the OECD MTC provide that an undefined term in a DTA shall have the meaning that it has in the domestic law of the contracting state applying the DTA unless the context ... -
The Application of International Human Rights Instruments in Outer Space Settlements: Today's Science Fiction, Tomorrow's Reality
(2019)The military and commercial exploitation of outer space has received increasing international attention since the United States of America announced its intention to establish an outer space military force ... -
The appointment of a proxy "At any time" in terms of section 58 of the companies Act 71 of 2008: Richard Du Plessis Barry v Clearwater estates NPC [2017] ZASCA 11
(PER/PELJ, 2019)Section 58(1) of the Companies Act 71 of 2008 gives a shareholder the right to appoint a proxy "at any time" for the purpose of participating in, speaking and voting on behalf of that shareholder at a shareholders′ meeting, ... -
Are close of pleadings now irrelevant? An evaluation of the impact the Nkala judgment has on Litis Contestatio
(PER/PELJ, 2019)The position regulating close of pleadings in South African law of civil procedure has for a long time been unchallenged. However, the court in Nkala v Harmony Gold Mining Company Limited 2016 5 SA 240 (GJ) developed the ... -
Beyond the contours of normally acceptable political violence: Is Cameroon a conflict/transitional society in the offing?
(2019)Legal scholars and other social scientists agree that political violence comprising assaults on civil and political liberties may occur in the context of contentious politics. Unfortunately, there have been instances in ... -
Case Law as an authoritative source of customary law: piecemeal recording of (living) customary law?
(PER/PELJ, 2019)This contribution deals with the question of whether a judgment from a mainstream court dealing with customary law can be regarded as authority and thus as a recording of a customary rule or rules. When a mainstream court ... -
Challenges surrounding the adjudication of women's rights in relation to customary law and practices in Tanzania
(PER/PELJ, 2019)Women's rights litigation has produced varied outcomes in many African countries. Although courts have looked at the legislation that discriminates against women with different degrees of success, matters such as tradition ... -
The consequences of the statutory regulation of customary law: an examination of the South African customary law of succession and marriage
(PER/PELJ, 2019)In pluralistic legal systems, the regulation of non-state law through statute carries the risks associated with codification; namely the ossification and distortion of law. This article examines the effects of statutory ... -
The constitutional protection afforded to child victims and child witnesses while testifying in criminal proceedings in South Africa
(PER/PELJ, 2019)The protection of child victims and witnesses in the criminal justice system is of vital importance, as present-day research studies conducted on the victimisation of children in South Africa show that South African children ... -
The Constitutional Rules of Succession to the Institution of Monarch in Lesotho
(PER/PELJ, 2019)The rules that govern succession to the office of King in Lesotho are largely customary. The Constitution of Lesotho, 1993 provides that succession to the office of King shall be regulated in terms of customary law; the ... -
The constitutionality of the prohibition of hate speech in terms of section 10(1) of the equality act: A reply to Botha and Govindjee
(PER/PELJ, 2019)This is a reply to a critique by Botha and Govindjee (2017 PELJ 1-32) of our interpretation of the hate speech provisions of the Equality Act (Promotion of Equality and Prevention of UnfairDiscrimination Act 4 of 2000) in ... -
The conundrum of judicial notice as a means of ascertaining customary law in Nigerian and South african courts amid the convergence of positivism and legal pluralism
(PER/PELJ, 2019)The roles of the courts have become an inevitable social reality in adjudicating customary law disputes in Nigeria and South Africa. Because these courts are established and validated along positivist practice, they ... -
Curriculum decolonisation and Revisionist Pedagogy of African Customary Law
(PER/PELJ, 2019)Fees-related protests in South African universities have pushed the decolonisation of the law curriculum to the front burner of academic discourse. As part of the curriculum, African customary law was marginalised in the ... -
Damages Arising from Contraventions of Competition Act 89 of 1998
(PER/PELJ, 2019)Persons who have suffered loss or damage as a result of a prohibited practice in terms of the Competition Act89 of 1998 (the Act) have the right to recover such damage in the civil courts. This ... -
Deciphering dangerousness: a critical analysis of section 286A and B of the Criminal Procedure Act 51 of 1977
(PER/PELJ, 2019)The violent nature of some crimes and the high crime rate in South Africa reflect the fact that some offenders constitute a real threat to the security of communities. It is understandable, therefore, that the state seeks ... -
Determining the content of indigenous law with special reference to recording of the law - continental views
(PER/PELJ, 2019)This special edition comprises a selection of contributions delivered at a conference hosted by the Chair in Customary Law, Indigenous Values and Human Rights at the University of Cape Town in collaboration with its research ... -
Did i break it? recording indigenous (Customary) Law
(PER/PELJ, 2019)In this paper, I explore several issues emerging in the discourse about the recording of indigenous law by drawing on several examples of my research and work with indigenous law in Canada. This is an important inquiry ...