Produktiewe tersiêre onderwysvoorsiening aan akademiese begaafde studente
Binne die konteks van 'n universiteit word akademiese begaafdheid beskryf as studente oor beskik wat bo die algemene prestasie binne 'n spesifieke jaargroep presteer en 'n behoefte aan gedifferensieerde programme en bykomende hulpbronne het. Behalwe vir akademiese prestasie word kreatiwiteit en taaktoewyding ook in ag geneem in die identifisering van akademies-begaafde studente. Daar is gevind dat daar verskillende uitdagings is in die identifisering van akademies-begaafde studente wat insluit klasgrootte, taal, onkundige onderriggewers en die oneffektiwiteit van 'n standaardmetode vir identifisering. Omdat hulpbronne en finansies deurlopend 'n probleem is in die voorsiening van onderwys moet daar gepoog word om onderwysvoorsiening produktief te maak. Produktiwiteit in onderwys verwys na die insette (hoeveelheid geld spandeer aan student) ooreenkomstig die uitsette (student se akademiese prestasie). Elke onderriginstelling bestaan binne sy eie bepaalde unieke konteks en moet kan funksioneer binne die plaaslike, internasionale en globale kontekste.
Die doel van die studie was om vas te stel op watter wyses akademies-begaafde studente ondersteun kan word en terselfdertyd aan die uitgangspunte van produktiewe onderwysvoorsiening te voldoen. 'n Kombinasie van die interpretivisme en konstruktivisme is gebruik as paradigma vir die studie omdat die navorser die ingesamelde data en die konteks van die deelnemers kon bestudeer eerder as om bloot net die ervaring te probeer verstaan. Die kwalitatiewe navorsingtradisie is gebruik omdat hierdie tradisie hom daartoe leen dat gebeure of ervarings betekenis gegee word binne sy natuurlike omgewing. Individuele onderhoude is met 33 deelnemers gevoer aan die Noordwes-Universiteit, Potchefstroomkampus. Die deelnemers is verdeel tussen 23 akademies-begaafde nagraadse studente en tien doserende personeel.
Uit die resultate is daar gevind dat dit belangrik is om akademies-begaafde studente in ag te neem deur aan hulle unieke onderwysbehoeftes te voldoen. Die studie het daarop gedui dat dit moontlik is om onderwysvoorsiening aan akademies-begaafde studente binne die uitgangspunte van produktiewe onderwys te laat geskied. Alhoewel doserende personeel poog om akademies-begaafde studente in ag te neem binne die konteks van ʼn klaskamer belemmer die gebruik van standaard assesseringsmetodes die proses. Identifisering van akademies-begaafde studente word bemoeilik deurdat daar nie een standaardmetode vir identifisering is nie. Daar is ʼn behoefte aan die gebruik van ʼn multidimensionele metode vir die identifisering van akademies-begaafde studente. Voorstelle vir die ondersteuning van akademies-begaafde studente wat waarskynlik aan die uitgangspunte van produktiewe onderwys kan voldoen sluit in mentorskapprogramme, gefokusde kurrikulum, ekstrakurrikulêre aktiwiteite, assistentskappe, asook die skep van sosiale netwerke. Hierdie studie het daarop gedui dat dit nodig is om aan die unieke onderwysbehoeftes van akademies-begaafde studente op tersiêre onderwysvlak te voldoen. Alhoewel sekere wyses van ondersteuning reeds is plek is, is daar gevind dat produktiewe wyses vir die aanbieding van ondersteuning moontlik is. Within the context of a university, academic giftedness is described as a quality evinced by students who perform better than the general performance of students within a particular year group and who therefore have a need for differentiated programme and additional resources. Apart from academic performance, creativity and commitment to tasks are also considered in the identification of academically gifted students. It was found that there are various challenges involved in the identification of academically gifted students, including class size, language, inadequately trained teachers and ineffectiveness of a standard criterion for the identification of such students. Because resources and finances constitute a problem throughout the provision of this form of teaching, an effort has to be made to make education provision productive. Productivity in education refers to inputs (amount of money spent on a student) in line with the outputs (academic performance of the student. Each education institution exists within its own specific and unique context, and must be enabled to function within the local, international and global contexts.
The aim of the study was to determine in what ways academically gifted students can be supported and at the same time be in compliance with the points of departure of productive education provision. A combination of interpretivism and constructivism was used as a paradigm for the study because the researcher could then study the collected data and the contexts of the participants rather than simply try to understand the experience. The qualitative research tradition was used because this tradition lends itself to events or experiences being given meaning within its natural environment. Individual interviews were conducted with 33 participants at the North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus. The participants were divided between 23 academically gifted students and ten lecturing staff.
From the results it emerged that it is important to consider academically gifted students by providing in their unique educational needs. The study indicated that it is possible to provide appropriate education to academically gifted students within the context of the point of view of productive education. Although teaching staff attempt to consider academically gifted students within the context of a classroom, the use of standard assessments methods inhibits the process. Identification of academically gifted students is rendered more difficult because there is no one standard method for such an identification process. There is a need for a multi-dimensional method for the identification of academically gifted students. Proposals for the support of academically gifted students that would probably comply with the points of departure of productive education include mentorship programmes, focussed curriculum, extra-curricular activities, as well as the creation of social networks. This study indicated that it is necessary to comply with the unique educational needs of academically gifted students at the tertiary level. Although certain modes of support are already in place, it was found that productive ways for the provision of support are possible.
- Education [1692]