CFD analysis of thermal dispersion in a structured packed bed
Packed beds are generally modelled in a partial manner to avoid computational costs. This implies that only a small
portion of the representative bed is modelled explicitly in CFD simulations, usually by assuming symmetry
boundary conditions. Thermal dispersion requires both the small and large-scale fluid flow phenomena to be
resolved. Consequently, it is required to model a large portion of the original packed bed. In this study, the original
model consisted of approximately 4000 uniform spheres in a body-centered cubic (BCC) packing-structure with no
contact between the spheres. A braiding effect was induced by allowing cold and hot nitrogen streams to mix within
the packed region. The apparent unsteady, oscillating nature of the flow in numerous cells can result in simulation
difficulties. To overcome these difficulties, an appropriate simulation methodology was developed using STARCCM+ by investigating the effect of several simulation parameters on the mesh quality, residuals and temperature
profiles. Good agreement between the numerical results and experimentally measured temperatures has been
achieved by using a locally refined mesh with the Large Eddy Simulation (LES) model