TD: 2010 Volume 6 No 1
July 2010
Editorial comment
- Editorial comment: about this issue / Tempelhoff, JWN
- Views on unlawful water abstractions along the Liebenbergsvlei River, South Africa / Ginster, M; Gouws, C; Gouws, CM; Mäki, H; Mathipa, R; Motloung, S; Nyandoro, M & Tempelhoff, JWN
- SIBU and the crisis of water service delivery in Sannieshof, North West Province / Gouws, C; Moeketsi, I; Motloung, S; Tempelhoff, JWN; Van Greuning, G & Van Zyl, L
- Observing representational practices in art and anthropology – a transdisciplinary approach / Preiser, R
- The threat of mine effluent to the UNESCO status of the Cradle of Humankind World Heritage Site / Durand, JF; Meeuvis, J & Fourie, M
- Liability of school governing bodies: a legislative and case law analysis / Serfontein, E
- Universal dignity, justice and accountability: protection of human rights and dealing with atrocities / Oelofse, M
- Constructing an XML database of linguistics data / Kroeze, JH; Bothma, TJD & Matthee, MC
- Political opposition in patriarchal East London / Atkinson, D
- Using a transdisciplinary approach for environmental crisis research in History / Van Eeden, ES
- Capability approach on pedagogical use of ICT in schools / Chigona, A & Chigona, W
- Some patterns of internal migration in North West Province, South Africa, 1996-2001 / Palamuleni, ME
- Architectural traditions of Mapungubwe and Bambandyanalo (K2) / Meyer, A & Cloete, CE
- Local service delivery enhancement – attitudes: a case study of the Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality / Tsatsire, I; Taylor, JD & Raga, K
- Being San in a developing and water-stressed Botswana / Tempelhoff, JWN
- Vredefortkoepel in tyd van oorlogsgeweld / Gouws, C
About this issue
This is the first edition of TD The Journal for Transdisciplinary Research that is only available in electronic format. It has been somewhat of a strange experience for the editorial team to prepare a product that will primarily be read in electronic format. However, in view of the growing trend towards electronic publishing, we believe it is a move to make our articles available to a larger audience and simultaneously help us make our contribution towards saving trees that might have been pulped.
Apart from the switch to electronic format, we have also started changing systems. Currently we are in the process of learning how to work with new software and should be in a better position to cope with the publishing process by the time of the next edition in December 2010.
We request our loyal readers to please be patient. We were one week behind schedule, before the first texts appeared on the web. Sabinet’s SAePublications website (, is currently the premier source of access to TD. The journal will shortly be accommodated on a new website. An announcement to this effect will be made.
The first two articles in this edition were presented at a colloquium held at North-West University’s Vaal campus in November 2009. The papers are based on transdisciplinary reports compiled by research leaders and students in the Niche Area for the Cultural Dynamics of Water (CuDyWat).
The first article deals with problems related to unlawful irrigation from the Liebenbergsvlei River in the Eastern Free State. Local farmers have been extracting water for irrigation purposes. The water, coming from the Lesotho Highlands Water Project, is in fact officially earmarked for South Africa’s Gauteng Province – the economically most active region of the country. The article explores some of the problems experienced by both the farmers, and the department of water affairs (DWA). It is a matter of grave concern for water security in South Africa.
The second article deals with the crisis of water service delivery in the North West Province’s town of Sannieshof where local residents have formed the Sannieshof Inwoners Belastingsbetalers Unie (SIBU). They took over local municipal services in town from the Tswaing Local Municipality. In the article there is a historical overview of the developments leading up to the formation of SIBU and the manner in which local residents have started working together to secure clean drinking water.
Of particular interest may also be an article by Chris Cloete and Andrie Meyer of the University of Pretoria on the architecture of Mapungubwe. Currently this important heritage site is under threat. The controversial plans of an Australian coal mining company planning to start mining operations in the region have caused an outcry from the quarters of environmental conservation groups. It is hoped that this article may make us once again aware of the important heritage we have on the Limpopo border of South Africa.
In an article of Francois Durand en some colleagues at the University of Johannesburg there is an interesting view on how acid mine drainage (AMD) is bound to affect the UNESCO World Heritage Site of the Cradle of Humankind. It is an important contribution to the growing corpus of public information available on the consequences of mine closure in the region previously known as South Africa’s Witwatersrand.
Currently the National Research Foundation (NRF) has the Akili Project. The project’s managers, in collaboration with South Africa’s universities, the Water Research Commission (WRC) and the Agricultural Research Council (ARC), are working on plans to strategies to promote integrated research in transdisciplinarity. This fertilisation of skills will undoubtedly benefit the field.
In this edition of TD there are contributions in the theoretical field of transdisciplinarity by Preiser of the University of Stellenbosch and Van Eeden of North-West University. They share their views on philosophical and methodological approaches to the discipline. There is considerable space for more investigations of this kind.
Another addition to our editorial content is a somewhat stronger focus on information communications technology (ICT). We have been successful in communications with researchers working in the field of information technology and they appear to be eager to explore fields beyond the confines of their skills-based technologies. It could trigger off some new ventures for transdisciplinary research.
Recent Submissions
Editorial comment: about this issue
(2010) -
Local service delivery enhancement – attitudes: a case study of the Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality
(2010)In this article, the new developmental mandate assigned to local government is reviewed using the Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality (hereafter referred to as the NMBM) as a case study. The concept of developmental local ... -
Architectural traditions of Mapungubwe and Bambandyanalo (K2)
(2010)This article is concerned with the identification of culturally significant architectural structures and features on the archaeological sites Mapungubwe and K2, two 11th to 13th Century AD African capitals in the current ... -
Some patterns of internal migration in North West Province, South Africa, 1996-2001
(2010)Migration is an important component of population change in North West province of South Africa. Unfortunately, reliable data on migration is difficult to collect. The aim of this study is to provide estimates of net ... -
Capability approach on pedagogical use of ICT in schools
(2010)The use of Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) for enhancing pedagogical activities has enormous potential to raise standards and increase educators’ and learners’ capabilities. However, research and anecdotal ... -
Using a transdisciplinary approach for environmental crisis research in History
(2010)Although it is true that each local area or region possesses its own historiography – and for that matter its own environmental historiography – there should not be much difference in the research methodology, sources ... -
Political opposition in patriarchal East London, 1950-1960: dilemmas of paternalism
(2010)This paper describes the growing level of politicization in East London in the 1950s, and the way this affected the patriarchal normative system, which prevailed in urban administration. Patriarchalism, as a system, was ... -
Constructing an XML database of linguistics data
(2010)A language-oriented, multi-dimensional database of the linguistic characteristics of the Hebrew text of the Old Testament can enable researchers to do ad hoc queries. XML is a suitable technology to transform free text ... -
Universal dignity, justice and accountability: protection of human rights and dealing with atrocities
(2010)The notion that human beings have rights as humans is part of the contemporary world and its politics. With respect to human rights, the United Nations (UN) plays a major role in promoting, protecting, and expanding ... -
Liability of school governing bodies: a legislative and case law analysis
(2010)Through an in-depth analysis of legislation and case law, as important sources of education law, this article casts light on the liabilities School Governing Bodies may incur whilst exercising their statutory functions. ... -
Views on unlawful water abstractions along the Liebenbergsvlei River, South Africa
(2010)As a result of the growing demand for additional water supplies, officials at the National Department of Water Affairs (DWA) continually monitor consumption patterns. The unlawful abstraction of water for irrigation ... -
The threat of mine effluent to the UNESCO status of the Cradle of Humankind World Heritage Site
(2010)There is a significant environmental risk posed to the region in which one of the most important and richest archaeological and palaeontological resources is located in South Africa. This area, known as the Cradle of ... -
Observing representational practices in art and anthropology – a transdisciplinary approach
(2010)It has been suggested that anthropology operates in “liminal spaces” which can be defined as “spaces between disciplines”. This study will explore the space where the fields of art and anthropology meet in order to ... -
SIBU and the crisis of water service delivery in Sannieshof, North West Province
(2010)In 2007 the residents of the town of Sannieshof in North West Province declared a dispute with the Tswaing Local Municipality on the grounds that the state of local service delivery left much to be desired. The ratepayers ...