The threat of mine effluent to the UNESCO status of the Cradle of Humankind World Heritage Site
There is a significant environmental risk posed to the region in which one of the most
important and richest archaeological and palaeontological resources is located in South
Africa. This area, known as the Cradle of Humankind World Heritage (COHWHS), is
situated adjacent to one of the richest gold bearing geological sequence in the world. The
mine pollution which is emanating from the mines in the form of acid mine drainage
(AMD) is threatening this remarkable resource which has yielded the biggest collection of
hominin fossils in the world. The environmental degradation of the COHWHS will have
a major impact on the archaeological and palaeontological heritage of not only South Africa,
but the world, as well as the tourism, hospitality and education sectors of South Africa. If
monitoring, mitigation and management measures are not implemented effectively with
immediate effect to avoid or minimise the negative effects, the COHWHS may stand the
risk of losing its status and be demoted to the UNESCO List of World Heritage in Danger.
Ultimately, if the site loses the characteristics that determined its inscription in the World
Heritage List, the World Heritage Committee may decide to delete the property from its