
No. 24, December 2021


Hands-on articles

Book reviews


History Education greetings,

Welcome to the December 2021 edition, volume 26, of Yesterday & Today. For the uninitiated, the journal is attached to the South African Society for History Teaching (SASHT). This is the second edition since Yesterday & Today has moved home. Since its accreditation as an academic journal, Yesterday & Today had been housed at North West University. The decision of the editorial board was that Yesterday & Today should follow the editor-in-chief. Hence it is now housed by the Department of Humanities Education in the Faculty of Education at the University of Pretoria.

As authors, editors and reviewers, we are still burdened by COVID-19. However, my sense is that we have become better at working under such trying conditions. In this regard, I want to thank all that are involved with Yesterday & Today, in whatever capacity, for their unselfish efforts.

The December 2021 edition was meant to be a special edition on “History Curricula in African Contexts.” A substantial number of articles related to the theme were submitted for consideration. However, the rigorous double-blind peer review system employed by Yesterday & Today meant that a number of articles were either rejected or referred back for substantial changes. Two articles speaking directly to the call feature in this volume. In the first of these articles, Edward Mboyonga engages with the programmatic curriculum, examining the visual portrayal of women in Zambian senior secondary history textbooks. In the second, Rob Siebörger engages with the question of how, with reference to the South African History Curriculum and Policy Statement, a national curriculum can be quality ensured. These two articles are complemented with four pieces related to “History Curricula in African Contexts” in the subsequent “hands-on” section of this volume. Here, practicing history educationist from Eswatini, Kenya, Zambia and Zimbabwe shared experiences and thoughts on the history curriculum in their respective countries.

Apart from the works related to the special edition, five further articles are carried in the December edition. • In the first article, Byron Bunt and Pieter Warnich investigated the use of historical sources by proposing a model, the Historically Imbedded Source- Based Analysis Model (HISBAM), for use in the History school classroom. • In his article, Edwin Smith linked education for the public good by arguing for the foregrounding of history in education. • Mahunele Thotse, in his article, linked people, space and time by investigating the use of an image to teach history in a rural context. • In the fourth article, Paul Maluleke engages theoretically with ideas of fallism as decoloniality and this could relate to the history curriculum in post-colonialapartheid South Africa. • In her contribution, Yolandi Woest used an autoethnographic lens to revisit a critical incident in the apartheid-era history class during her girlhood.

Finally, it is necessary to correct an error that appeared in the December 2018 article ‘Reflecting the 2018 History Ministerial Task Team Report on Compulsory History’. It has been pointed out that the qualifications and teaching experiences of members of the History Ministerial Task Team were misrepresented. In this regard:

• Sifiso Ndlovu holds an MA in History Education. This was attained in 1993 at the University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg. • Jabulani Sithole is an experienced school teacher who taught History at Sobantu High School in Pietermaritzburg. His qualifications include a History teacher’s Diploma attained at Ndumiso Teacher College, Pietermaritzburg. • Sekibakiba Lekgoathi has a postgraduate B.A.Ed. in History attained at the University of the Witwatersrand.

Take care and stay safe!

Johan Wassermann (Editor-in-Chief)and Denise Bentrovato (Guest Editor - History Curricula in African contexts)

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