Silenced and Invisible Historical Figures in Zambia: An Analysis of the Visual Portrayal of Women in Senior Secondary School History Textbooks
Despite their significant contribution to the country’s historical development, women’s
influence is commonly underestimated and ignored in Zambian history literature.
Subsequently, their role remains undocumented in secondary school textbooks to the
extent that the sex blindness of traditional historiography, which sustains male dominance in
history, remains unchallenged in the books. Through a qualitative approach and purposive
sampling of two Zambian secondary school Grade 12 learners’ history textbooks, the study
examined the portrayal of women. Located within the decoloniality paradigm, it counters
the coloniality of power manifested through the insularity of dominant patriarchal historical
narratives entrenched in the secondary school history curriculum, largely reflecting the
remnants of colonial epistemologies and historiographical traditions. The findings in both
textbooks reveal that the female characters are silenced and invisible compared to their
male counterparts, reflecting the patriarchy hegemony in the secondary school Zambian
history curriculum. In decolonising colonial power manifested in the curriculum, the study
recommends mainstreaming gender equality in the history curricula and teaching and
learning materials, mainly the learners’ textbooks, to reflect women’s achievements.