Bestudering van die effek van Sagatal R (Natriumpentobarbituraat) op skeletspier sarkoplasmiese retikulumfunksie
Barbiturates influence the functions of sarcoplasmic reticulum
(SR) membranes. It has been shown that pentobarbital as well
as other barbiturates caused a reduction in the phase transition
temperatures (Lee, 1976) and thus it may alter the fluidity of
the membrane phospholipids. Low et al . (1979) has shown that
sodium pentobarbit91 displaces Ca 2 + from their binding sites in
red blood cell membranes while halothane (Diamond & Berman,
1980) competes with ATP for binding to the SR membrane. Experiments performed by Saida & Suzuki (1981) suggest that prilocaine presumably is able to depolarize the SR membrane, causing
rapid Ca 2 + release. It has been documented by Lain et al. (1968)
that pentobarbital inhibits Ca 2 + uptake by cardiac SR less than
it affects cardiac contractility. From these reports it seems
that anaesthetics like pentobarbital sodium may affect membranes
like the sarcoplasmic reticulum in various ways.
- Health Sciences [2061]