Die bestuur van uitkontraktering in die petrochemiese bedryf
The title of the script is ''The Management of Outsourcing in the
Petrochemical Industry".
The main objective of the script is to prove that the successful execution of
projects, by means of outsourcing, is possible in the petrochemical industry.
The essence of the script concerns the identification of the key success
factors that will ensure the successful completion of outsourced projects.
The script is aimed more at the technical discipline engineers, than at
professional project and cost engineers, with the aim to expand their
knowledge base in the essentials of project and cost engineering.
The research field of the script is limited to the attainment of the objective in
terms of the management activities of discipline engineers. The fields of
professional project, cost and contract management are specifically excluded
from the script. References to certain aspects, in these fields, are however,
included where deemed necessary.
The contents of the script commence with a background of outsourcing giving
the definitions, history, advantages and disadvantages of outsourcing. This
is followed by a summary of the success factors and the description of a
modern four dimensional model for successful projects.
The script continues with a description of the selection of contractors, by
means of tender lists and tender evaluation procedures, followed by
guidelines for contracts including the requirements for proper contract scopes
of work. The guidelines are concluded with a description of the contractor
responsibilities and deliverable items including important items to keep in
mind during contract negotiations.
The following section of the script concerns the actual management of
outsourced contracts with respect to risk, schedule, cost, quality and conflict
The script is concluded with a comparison between the objectives, set out in
the first part, and to what extent they were met by the contents of the script.
The conclusion is reached that it is indeed possible to execute projects, in the
petrochemical industry, by means of outsourcing.