Maatskaplike groepwerk aan alkoholafhanklike bejaardes ooreenkomstig die sterkteperspektief
The strengths perspective is one of the practice perspectives in Social Work
that pleads for change of heart and spirit in social work service delivery. This
perspective entails, among others, that the strengths and potential of clients
to grow, to change and to develop, enjoy the unconditional recognition of
social workers. In service delivery to clients who experience a wide variety of
needs and challenges, this perspective is already used very fruitfully
worldwide, but especially in the USA. An example is homeless people.
Notwithstanding opinions that social work service delivery t o alcohol
dependent elderly people is unnecessary as a result of poor prognosis, some
authors are of the opinion that elderly people who are facilitated from a
strengths perspective often have a better prognosis than their younger
equals. Against this background a research need was identified to set
guidelines for a uniquely designed facilitating or group work programme
directed at alcohol dependent elderly people. This type of research
furthermore is reconcilable with a focus area (Focus area 9.1) in the fortology
that was developed by the PU for CHE, Faculty of Health Sciences. In order
to attain this purpose, the following objectives needed to be accomplished:
= To establish, by means of a literature study and an empirical
investigation, what the causal factors are that lead to alcohol
dependency before and after advanced age. This objective was
reached by involving 30 alcohol dependent elderly people and 18
social work participants with whom interview schedules were
completed. The opinions of these two groups of participants were
compared by calculating effect sizes (d values). It was found that these
two groups held large and practical significant differences of opinion
regarding the causes of alcohol dependency.
To establish, by means of a literature study and an empirical
investigation, what the consequences of alcohol dependency are
among the elderly. This objective was reached by following a method
similar to that of the study of the causal factors of alcohol dependency.
It was found that the two groups of participants also held large and
practical significant differences of opinion regarding the consequences
of alcohol dependency. From these findings needs were identified that
should be treated during social group work services in order to prevent
relapse of alcohol abuse.
To identify, by means of a literature study and an empirical
investigation, the needs and challenges of alcohol dependent elderly
people, on which a group work programme can be based. In order to
reach this objective, interview schedules were completed with alcohol
dependent elderly participants. An extensive profile of this client group
was compiled by jointly using a survey procedure and case study.
Several strengths of alcohol dependent elderly people were identified,
such as children and grandchildren who served as support systems.
Besides this, several needs were identified, such as effective
communication and social skills that can improve the social functioning
of this client system.
= To establish, by means of a literature study and an empirical
investigation, what qualities the strengths perspective has in order to
make social group work possible. This objective was reached in that
several of the qualities of the strengths perspective that can be applied
very fruitfully in social group work services with alcohol dependent
elderly people, were discovered in the available literature. Opposed to
this, it was found that although this perspective holds many
advantages for the alcohol dependent elderly person, it is presently not
practised at registered treatment centres in South Africa that were
involved in this investigation. The reasons are, among others, that
social work practitioners are not familiar with the strengths perspective,
together with the fact that the problem-centred approach currently
dominates social work service delivery to the addicted person.
* To investigate, by means of a literature study and an empirical
investigation, the qualities of social group work in which the strengths
perspective can be accommodated on the one hand and meaningful
services to the elderly can be made possible on the other hand. This
objective was reached in that it was found from both the literature study
and empirical investigation that social group work, as a primary method
of Social Work, has such an extensive capacity that it can be applied
meaningfully in the facilitation of this client system.
To set guidelines for a group work programme in accordance with the
strengths perspective, aimed at alcohol dependent elderly people. This
objective was reached by providing guidelines for eleven group work
meetings. On the one hand these above-mentioned guidelines are
based on the needs and strengths determined by means of this
investigation, and on the other hand, it was presented in the spirit of
the strengths perspective.
Conclusively it was found from this investigation that the needs and strengths
of alcohol dependent elderly people could be treated by means of social
group work services from a strengths perspective. It seems to be possible
because both social group work and the strengths perspective have qualities
that can be applied to the advantage of alcohol dependent elderly people.
- Health Sciences [2061]