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dc.contributor.authorChristopher, A J
dc.identifier.citationChristopher, A.J. 1977. Historical geography and local history. Contree : Tydskrif vir Suid-Afrikaanse stedelike streekgeskiedenis = Contree : Journal for South African urban and regional history. 1:11-15, Jan. []en_US
dc.description.abstract• Opsomming: Historiese geografie en plaaslike geskiedenis stam uit twee verskillende dissiplines, aardrykskunde en geskiedenis onderskeidelik, en dit verklaar hulle verskillende benaderingswyse. Hulle het egter 'n gemeenskaplike navorsingsveld, naamlik die ontwikkeling-in-tyd van 'n gebied of streek, sodat die verskille tussen die twee oor die afgelope 25 jaar onbeduidend geword het. Van die vele wat vir historiese geografie geformuleer is, is eintlik net vier vandag nog ter sake: die aardrykskunde agter die geskiedenis; die rekonstruksie van eenydse landskappe; die evolusie van die kultuurlandskap; en die bestudering van die oorblyfsels van historiese strukture. Tot nog toe is die historiese geografie in Suid-Afrika net in breë trekke behandel, sodat dit ruim geleenthede vir navorsing laat, onder meer ten opsigte van voorpostestudies, wat raakpunte het met kolonisasie- en nedersettingsgeskiedenis, en die studie van landskapreste. 'n Hele aantal vrae oor die evolusie en die voorkoms van die landskap moet nog beantwoord word, en sowel die historiese geografie as die plaaslike geskiedenis probeer die antwoorde verstrek.en_US
dc.description.abstract• Summary: Historical geography and local history originated in two separate parent subjects, geography and history. This is reflected in het the approaches they adopt respectively. They share, however, a common field of investigation: the development of an area or region through time, which explains why in the last twenty-five years the differences between them have become blurred. Of all the definitions for historical geography probably only four are significant today: the geography behind history; the reconstruction of past landscapes; the evolution of the cultural landscape; and the study of relict features. As far as the prospects for historical geography in South Africa are concerned, broad outlines only have been drawn and there are ample fields for research, e.g. frontier studies, which relate to colonisation and settlement history, and the study of relict landscapes. A vast number of questions about the evolution and appearance of the landscape need to be answered, and both historical geography and local history seek these answers.
dc.publisherAfdeling Streekgeskiedenis van die lnstituut vir Geskiedenisnavorsing, RGN / Section for Regional History, Institute for Historical Research, HSRC
dc.titleHistorical geography and local history.en_US

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