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dc.contributor.authorDu Preez, Sophia
dc.identifier.citationDu Preez, S. 1978. Die eerste bewoners van kerkplein, Pretoria. Contree : Tydskrif vir Suid-Afrikaanse stedelike streekgeskiedenis = Contree : Journal for South African urban and regional history. 3:5-9, Jan. []en_US
dc.description.abstract• Opsomming: Pretoria is aangelê om te voorsien in die Oorvaalse gemeenskap se behoefte aan 'n plek waar Volksraadsvergaderings en kerklike byeenkomste gehou kon word. Op 27 Julie 1857 is 'n vergadering gehou waarop Pretoria se dorpsregulasies opgestel is. In daardie stadium het daar reeds verskeie geboue op die terrein wat vandag as Kerkplein bekend is, gestaan. Op 27 Mei 1856 het die Volksraad in die huis van Hendrik Vermeulen gesit, en op 22 Februarie 1857 is die eerste kerk ingewy. Die Vermeulens was een van die eerste families wat hulle in Pretoria gevestig bet. Vermeulenstraat roep die aandeel wat hierdie familie in die aanlê van Pretoria gehad het in herinnering.en_US
dc.description.abstract• Summary: Pretoria was founded to meet the need of the community north of the Vaal for a place where the Volksraad could assemble and church gatherings could be held. At a meeting which took place on 27 July 1857, regulations were drawn up for the town of Pretoria. several buildings having by that time been erected on what is today known as Church Square. On 27 May 1856 the Volksraad met at Hendrik Vermeulen's house and the first church was consecrated on 22 February 1857. The part played by the Vermeulen family in establishing Pretoria, they being among the first to settle in this town, is commemorated in the name Vermeulen Street.
dc.publisherAfdeling Streekgeskiedenis van die lnstituut vir Geskiedenisnavorsing, RGN / Section for Regional History, Institute for Historical Research, HSRC
dc.titleDie eerste bewoners van kerkplein, Pretoria.en_US

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