West Street Durban 1977 (1)
• Opsomming:
Weststraat is die amptelike hoofstraat van Durban. Sommige geboutjies in hierdie straat is so ouwêrelds dat hulle net sowel in 'n middelslag-Karoodorp kon gestaan het. Daar is egter ook imposante geboue wat verteenwoordigend is van die strak Internasionale Styl. Die stadsaal in die Barokstyl en die poskantoor in die Neoklassieke styl is reeds tot historiese monumente verklaar. Geboue tiperend vir die vernuwing wat teen die eeuwending ingetree het, behoort egter ook teen slopers beskerm te word. Die Greystraatse Indiërkompleks verleen verdere verskeidenheid aan die straatfront, en daardie tikkie mistiek wat die tradisies van een bevolkingsgroep altyd vir 'n ander inhou. • Summary:
West Street is the official main road of Durban. Some of the smaller buildings in it are so old-world in appearance that they might well have been part of any average Karoo town, although by contrast there are also imposing structures representing the stark International Style. The Baroque town hall and the Neo-Classical post office have already been declared national monuments, and buildings typical of the innovation at the turn of the century should surely be protected from the demolishers. The Indian complex in Grey Street adds to the street front both further variety and that hint of mystery which the traditions of one population group always have for others.
- Contree: 1978 No 3 [13]