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dc.contributor.authorThorpe, C
dc.identifier.citationThorpe, C. 1979. Tharfield - the story of an Eastern Cape farm and its inhabitants (1822 - 1977). Contree : Tydskrif vir Suid-Afrikaanse stedelike streekgeskiedenis = Contree : Journal for South African urban and regional history. 5:16-22, Jan. []en_US
dc.description.abstract• Opsomming: Die verhaal van die plaas Tharfield is ineengevleg met die geskiedenis van die families Bowker en Webb. As een van die mooiste en mees ongeskonde plase in Setlaarstreek is dit meer as net ʼn skatkamer van die Setlaargeskiedenis: die habitatverskeidenheid wat dit vir voël- en dierelewe bied, maak dit van belang vir die natuurbewaarder en die ekoloog, terwyl ʼn studie van die boerderymetodes wat toegepas is vandat die plaas in 1822 aan die eerste eienaar toegeken is, vir die landboukundige van groot betekenis kan wees. Tharfield was vir meer as 'n eeu in die Bowkers se besit toe dit in 1925 die eiendom van Thomas Webb geword het. Vandat die huidige eienaar van Tharfie1d die plaas oorgeneem het, het hy hom toegelê op die produksie van slagbeeste. Hy het ook die Webb-tradisie, naamlik die verbetering van die weiding deur die aanplant van smaakliker grassoorte, voortgesit. Terwyl hy die plaas verbeter het, het die eienaar dit in gedagte gehou dat die individuele boer ook 'n bydrae tot natuurbewaring kan maak. Gevolglik is 'n gedeelte van Tharfield in 1973 vir 'n natuurreservaat opsy gesit.en_US
dc.description.abstract• Summary: The story of the farm Tharfield is also that of the families Bowker and Webb. As one of the loveliest and most unspoiled farms in the Settler country it is not only a treasure house of Settler history: the wide variety of habitat it offers for bird and beast also makes it of interest to the conservationist and the ecologist, and a study of the farming methods practised from the time the farm was granted to its original owner in 1822 might prove most informative to the agriculturist. Tharfield was in the possession of the Bowkers for just over a century when in 1925 it became the property of Thomas Webb. Ever since the present owner of Tharfield took over the farm, he has concentrated on the production of commercial beef cattle and has continued the Webb tradition of improving the quality of grazing by planting more palatable grasses. In modernising the farm the owner, however, kept in mind the contribution the individual farmer can make to the cause of conservation. Therefore, in 1973, a portion of Tharfield was set aside as a nature reserve.
dc.publisherAfdeling Streekgeskiedenis van die lnstituut vir Geskiedenisnavorsing, RGN / Section for Regional History, Institute for Historical Research, HSRCen_US
dc.titleTharfield - the story of an Eastern Cape farm and its inhabitants (1822 - 1977)en_US

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