Incipient local economic development in the Eastern Cape, 1909 - 1947.
• Opsomming:
Navorsing het getoon dat pogings van plaaslike
owerhede om plaaslike ekonomie te ondersteun en
werksgeleenthede te verskaf, nie ’n onlangse
ontwikkeling in Suid Afrika is nie. Bewyse van Port
Elizabeth en drie Oos-Kaapse dorpe toon dat plaaslike
regerings aktief betrokke was in aggressiewe plekbemarkingsstrategië,
en die beskikbaarstelling van verskillende
aansporings vir potensiële firmas. Strategieë wat
geïmplementeer was, het verskillende resultate
opgelewer en hierdie artikel beklemtoon In paar van
die merkwaardige verskille wat ontstaan het. • Summary:
Research has revealed that local authorities' endeavours
to actively implement local economic development
policies in an effort to boost these economies and
generate employment opportunities is not a new concept
in South Africa. Evidence from Port Elizabeth and three
Eastern Cape towns reveals that aggressive place
marketing campaigns, public works programmes and
the granting of a variety of incentives to potential
investors was a distinctive feature of municipal activity
in this time period Strategies implemented met with
varying degrees of success and this article highlights
some of the contrasts which can be discerned