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dc.contributor.authorVan den Bergh, G.
dc.identifier.citationVan den Bergh, G. 1993. Potchefstroom se eerste swart woonbuurt: Machaviestat 1839 - 1888. Contree : Tydskrif vir Suid-Afrikaanse stedelike streekgeskiedenis = Contree : Journal for South African urban and regional history. 34:11-22, Nov. []en_US
dc.description.abstract• Opsomming: Die Machaviestat nedersetting was die gevolg van 'n bondgenootskap tussen die Barolongleiers en A.H. Potgieter se Voortrekkers teen Mzilikazi. Die bedoeling was dat besetting tydelik sou wees in afwagting op die aanwys van permanente vestigingsgebiede in Verrewes- Transvaal. Verskeie omstandighede het die bereiking van die ideaal vertraag. Met die uiteindelike verwesentliking daarvan het bewoning van Machaviestat, weens die werksgeleenthede wat Potchefstroom gebied het, nie geëindig nie. Uiteindelike ontruiming het 'n oogmerk van die munisipaliteit gebly, maar die unieke status van Machaviestat is allerweë erken.
dc.description.abstract• Summary: The occupation of Machaviestat was the result of an alliance between the Barolong leaders and the Voortrekkers of A.H. Potgieter against Mzilikazi. The idea was that settlement was to be temporary in anticipation of the allocation of permanent homelands in the Far Western Transvaal. Various circumstances delayed the attainment of this ideal. Even though a homeland was eventually demarcated the occupation of Machaviestat continued due to the employment opportunities offered by Potchefstroom. While eventual evacuation remained the aim of the municipality, the unique position of Machaviestat was acknowledged by all.
dc.publisherDepartement van Geskiedenis Randse Afrikaanse Universiteit / Department of History Rand Afrikaans Universityen_US
dc.titlePotchefstroom se eerste swart woonbuurt: Machaviestat 1839 - 1888.en_US

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