The 1973 Durban strikes: of local and international significance.
• Opsomming:
Die 1973 vloedgolf van stakings in Durban was vir die meeste mense
'n totaal onverwagte gebeurtenis. Met meer as 60 000 swart werkers
daarby betrokke het die gebeure groot besorgdheid by privaat
maatskappye, die staat en die publiek meegebring. In hierdie artikel
word die aanleidende gebeure tot die stakings en die stakings self
ontleed. Daar word gewys op die komplekse wisselwerking tussen
ekonomiese en politieke faktore as oorsake daarvan. Die stakings
word ook geplaas in die breëre konteks van die groei van 'n swart
vakbondbeweging m die toename in sosio-politieke konflik. • Summary:
The 1973 Durban strike wave was for most people a totally
unexpected event. With more than 60 000 black workers involved, it
was a major cause for concern among the company owners, state
officials and the public. This article evaluates the 1973 Durban strike
wave and the events leading up to it. It is argued that the strike wave
was the result of a combination of factors, ranging from increased
inflationary pressures to a complex chain of political developments.
The strike wave should be viewed in the context of the emergence of
the black trade union movement and of increased socio-political
- Contree: 1992 No 31 [15]