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dc.contributor.authorBroodryk, Maritz
dc.identifier.citationBroodryk, M. 1991. Die ontwikkeling van Boesmanland gedurende die negentiende eeu. Contree : Tydskrif vir Suid-Afrikaanse stedelike streekgeskiedenis = Contree : Journal for South African urban and regional history. 30:29-35, Oct. []en_US
dc.description.abstract• Opsomming: In hierdie artikel word die geskiedenis behandel van die gebied in Noordwes-Kaapland wat oorspronklik deur die Boesmans (San) bewoon is. Dit ondersoek die geleidelike noordwaartse uitbreiding van die Kaapkolonie totdat die Oranjerivier in 1847 as die noordgrens van die gebied verklaar is. Hierteen het sowel die San as die Koragroepe wat langs die Oranjerivier woonagtig was, gereageer deur die veeboere te beroof wat die gebied uit die suide binnegetrek het. Die gevolg was twee konflikte, bekend as die Noordgrens-oorloë, wat finaal 'n einde gemaak het aan die jarelange botsings in hierdie landstreek. Al hoe meer boere het hulle permanent in die gebied gevestig, nuwe distrikte is geproklameer en owerheidsbeheer het toegeneem. Alhoewel die gebied dun bevolk gebly het, het die nomadiese bestaan geleidelik in 'n meer gevestigde leefwyse verander.en_US
dc.description.abstract• Summary: This article investigates the history of that part of the North-Western Cape formerly occupied by the Bushmen (San). In the first section the author deals with the expansion of the Cape Colony in a northerly direction until the Orange River was proclaimed as its boundary in 1847. Against this step both the San and the Kora groups living in the vicinity of the Orange River reacted by raiding the stock fanners entering this region from the south. This resulted in what became known as the Northern Border Wars and which finally brought an end to the prolonged conflicts in Bushmanland. An increasing number of farmers settled permanently in this part, new districts were proclaimed and government control increased. Although this region remained sparsely populated, the inhabitants gradually changed from a nomadic to a more settled life style.
dc.publisherAfdeling Plaaslike en Streekgeskiedenisnavorsing van die lnstituut vir Geskiedenisnavorsing, RGN / Division for Local and Regional History Research, Institute for Historical Research, HSRCen_US
dc.titleDie ontwikkeling van Boesmanland gedurende die negentiende eeu.en_US

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