Potchefstroom se stigting 1838 of 1839?
• Opsomming:
Verkeerde en/of aanvegbare bronvertolkings het 'n belangrike rol gespeel in die aanvaarding van 1838 as vestigingsdatum van Potchefstroom. Belangstelling in die vestigingsfase van die Trekkers in die Oorvaalse gebied het egter gelei tot nuwe inligting en 'n herinterpretasie van bekende bronne.
Daaruit blyk dit dat Andries Hendrik Potgieter in Junie 1838 grond tussen die Vet- en Vaalrivier van Makwana vir beeste geruil het. Kort daarna het die registrasie van plase begin. Teen vroeg-Desember 1838 toe Potgieter verneem dat die Kaapse regering moontlik in die Trekkers se sake kon
inmeng, bet hy 'n 'onafhanklikheidsverklaring' uitgevaardig waarvolgens Mzilikazi se gebied beset sou word. Nadat hy vasgestel bet dat Mzilikazi 'land-uit' gevlug het, het die Voortrekkerleier besluit om tot permanente vestiging oor te gaan. Verskeie bronne en omstandigheidsgetuienis dui daarop
dat Potchefstroom in Maart/April 1839 gestig is, terwyl die eerste registrasie van plase in die streek eers op 3 Junie 1839 plaasgevind het. • Summary:
Erroneous and/or controversial interpretation of sources played an important pall in the acceptance of 1838 as Potchefstroom's date of establishment. Interest in the pioneering era of the Trekkers across the Vaal River, however, led to new information and a reinterpretation of well-known sources. From these it is evident that Andries Hendrik Potgieter obtained land between the Vet and Vaal rivers in exchange for cattle during June 1838. The registration of farms commenced shortly afterwards. On learning that the Cape government might possibly interfere in the affairs of the
Trekkers, Potgieter issued a 'declaration of independence' in early December 1838, according to which Mzilikazi's territory would be occupied. After ascertaining that Mzilikazi had fled from the area, Potgieter decided on a permanent settlement. Various sources of information and circumstantial evidence indicate that Potchefstroom was founded in March/April of 1839, while the first registration of farms only took place on 3 June of that year.
- Contree: 1989 No 25 [14]