Formal segregation and population distribution in Port Elizabeth.
• Opsomming:
Port Elizabeth se bevolkingsverspreiding is ingrypend beïnvloed deur die verskillende segregasiebeleide wat sedert die koloniale tydperk daar toegepas is. Toenemende grade van skeiding het mettertyd opmerklik geword as gevolg van veranderende programme deur die owerheid en private instansies. Dit het van die 1950's tot die 1970's daartoe gelei dat die koloniale, gesegregeerde stad van vroeër eindelik tot die hedendaagse 'apartheidstad' ontwikkel het. • Summary:
The various segregationist policies adopted by administrations since colonial times have profoundly affected the distribution of the population in Port Elizabeth. An increasing degree of segregation became evident as a result of changing state and private programmes, until the city was transformed in the period from the 1950s to the 1970s from a colonial, 'segregation city' into the modern 'apartheid city'.
- Contree: 1988 No 24 [12]