’n Beoordeling van die metodologiese uitgangspunte van die Ned Geref Kerk se Kerkspieëls
The Dutch Reformed Church conducted eight surveys reflecting the state of the church since 1981. This article investigates the methodology of these surveys. Inseparate sections the problem-statement, sampling, administration of the response rate, the validity and reliability of the surveys are analysed. It is found that the surveys are not properly theoretical based, the sampling does not fulfil applicable assumptions, the response rate declined considerably in following surveys, the validity criteria are not satisfied and the standards of reliability are not adhered to. In view of this the article concludes that the Dutch Reformed Church will have to ensure a thorough ecclesiological reasoning that informs the operationalisation of the surveys and their problem-statements. The church also needs to involve expertson survey methodology in designing its surveys. For successful surveys the church will therefore have to ensure that expertise, means and support systems are properly utilised.
- Faculty of Humanities [2042]