PER: 2013 Volume 16 No 4
10 December 2013
- Constitutional basis for the enforcement of "executive" policies that give effect to socio-economic rights in South Africa / Fuo, ON
- Constitutional court 1995-2012: how did the cases reach the court, why did the court refuse to consider some of them, and how often did the court invalidate laws and actions? / Rautenbach, IM
- Using a locum tenens in a private practice / Slabbert, M & Pienaar, BH
- "Pay now, argue later" rule – before and after the tax administration act / Keulder, C
- The conservation status of eagles in South African law / Knobel, JC
- The South African defence review (2012) and private military / security companies (PMSCs): heralding a shift from prohibition to regulation? / Juma, L & Tsabora, J
- The impact of the labour relations act on minority trade unions: a South African perspective / Kruger, J & Tshoose, CI
- Improving access to justice through compulsory student work at university law clinics / Holness, D
- The regulation of the possession of weapons at gatherings / Du Toit, P & Ferreira, G
- Harnessing intellectual property for development: some thoughts on an appropriate theoretical framework / Ncube, CB
- Constitutionalising the right legal representation at CCMA Arbitration Proceedings: law society of the Northern Provinces v Minister of Labour 2013 1 SA 468 (GNP) / Selala, KJ
- Arbitrary deprivation of an unregistered credit provider's right to claim restitution of performance rendered Opperman v Boonzaaier (24887/2010) 2012 ZAWCHC 27 (17 April 2012) and National Credit Regulator v Opperman 2013 2 SA 1 (CC) / Brits, R
Book reviews
- Biodiversity and Climate Change: Linkages at International, National and Local Levels [Book review] / Paterson, A
- Managing Family Justice in Diverse Societies [Book review] / Rautenbach, C
This edition of PER consists of eight articles, four notes and two book reviews covering a range of topics. The first article is by Oliver Fuo, a postgraduate student of the North-West University (Potchefstroom Campus). His contribution deals with the status of executive policies and the basis for their judicial enforcement in a constitutional and socio-economic context. He demonstrates that "executive" policies may be perceived to have the force of law, especially where their enforcement may be imperative for the realisation of socio-economic rights. Secondly, Ig Rautenbach of the University of Johannesburg considers empirical data on the effectiveness of the Constitutional Court during the period 1995 to 2012. He focuses on the following three questions: "How did the cases reach the court", "why did the court refuse to consider some of them", and "how often did the court invalidate laws and actions". In the third article, Magda Slabbert and Hendrik Pienaar, follows a multi-disciplinary approach to discuss the legal position of the locum tenens that is often used by medical practitioners in private practice. They recommend that a locum tenens be appointed as an independent contractor rather than an employee, and argues that the onus to ensure that he or she is registered and fit to practice rests on the principal. The fourth article by Carika Keulder deals with the "pay now, argue later" rule in terms of the Tax Administration Act 28 of 2011. She is of the opinion that the Act fails to address the imbalance between the duties of the South African Revenue Services and the right of the taxpayer to access the courts. JC Knobel, the author of the fifth article, gives an overview of the conservation status of eagles in South Africa. He discusses the existing legal framework and makes a number of recommendations to improve their legal status. Two authors, Laurence Juma and James Tsabora, both from Rhodes University, discuss the possibility of South Africa enacting a new law regulating private military and/or security companies, which they refer to as PMSC's. The seventh article by Johan Kruger and Clarence Tshoose gives a South African perspective on the impact of the Labour Relations Act 66 of 1995 on minority trade unions. In the eight place, Dave Holness offers an analysis of compulsory "live client" clinical legal education as part of the LLB course as a means of improving access to justice for the indigent.
The first note by Pieter du Toit and Gerrit Ferreiradiscusses the regulation of the possession of weapons at gatherings. Their discussion focuses on the effectiveness of the Dangerous Weapons Act 15 of 2013 and the Regulation of Gatherings Act 205 of 1993. Caroline Ncube considers an appropriate theoretical framework for the harnessing of intellectual property for development in the second note. The last two notes are case discussions. The first one is a discussion of a decision of Law Society of the Northern Provinces v Minister of Labour 2013 1 SA 468 (GNP) by Koboro Selala. The case deals with the right to legal representation at internal disciplinary hearings. The second case discussion is by Reghard Brits who comments on two judgments (Opperman v Boonzaaier (24887/2010) 2012 ZAWCHC 27 (17 April 2012) and National Credit Regulator v Opperman 2013 2 SA 1 (CC)) that deals with the arbitrary deprivation of an unregistered credit provider's right to claim restitution of performance rendered.
The last two contributions of this edition consist of two book reviews by Alexander Paterson (Biodiversity and Climate Change: Linkages at International , National and Local Levels) and Christa Rautenbach (Managing Family Justice in Diverse Societies).
Editor: Professor Christa Rautenbach / Edition Editor: Professor Sarel du Toit
Recent Submissions
Arbitrary deprivation of an unregistered credit provider's right to claim restitution of performance rendered Opperman v Boonzaaier (24887/2010) 2012 ZAWCHC 27 (17 April 2012) and National Credit Regulator v Opperman 2013 2 SA 1 (CC)
(2013)The Constitutional Court in National Credit Regulator v Opperman confirmed the Cape High Court's decision in Opperman v Boonzaaier to declare section 89(5)(c) of the National Credit Act unconstitutional. Therefore, the ... -
Constitutionalising the right legal representation at CCMA Arbitration Proceedings: law society of the Northern Provinces v Minister of Labour 2013 1 SA 468 (GNP)
(2013)Recently, the issue of legal representation at internal disciplinary hearings and CCMA arbitrations has been a fervent topic of labour law discourse in South Africa. While the courts have consistently accepted the common ... -
Harnessing intellectual property for development: some thoughts on an appropriate theoretical framework
(2013)This paper considers how an appropriate theoretical framework for Intellectual Property may be constructed. Such a framework would be the lens through which contested IP issues may be resolved and upon which national IP ... -
The regulation of the possession of weapons at gatherings
(2013)The Dangerous Weapons Act 15 of 2013 provides for certain prohibitions and restrictions in respect of the possession of a dangerous weapon and it repeals the Dangerous Weapons Act 71 of 1968 as well as the different Dangerous ... -
Improving access to justice through compulsory student work at university law clinics
(2013)In this paper an analysis is offered of compulsory so-called "live client" clinical legal education as part of the LLB as a means of improving access to justice for the indigent. This study first explores the factors which ... -
The impact of the labour relations act on minority trade unions: a South African perspective
(2013)The advent of the new political dispensation in 1994 heralded the coming of a new labour dispensation. Labour relations and labour policies changed significantly from that which prevailed under the previous government. The ... -
The South African defence review (2012) and private military / security companies (PMSCs): heralding a shift from prohibition to regulation?
(2013)This article discusses the possibility of South Africa enacting a new law regulating private military/security companies (PMSCs) beyond the Prohibition of Mercenary Activities and Regulation of Certain Activities in Country ... -
The conservation status of eagles in South African law
(2013)This contribution is an introductory survey and preliminary evaluation of the conservation status of eagles in South African law. The methodology is primarily an interdisciplinary literature study of legal texts and texts ... -
"Pay now, argue later" rule – before and after the tax administration act
(2013)The South African Revenue Service (SARS) is entrusted with the duty of collecting tax on behalf of the South African government. In order to ensure effective and prompt collection of taxes, the payment of tax is not suspended ... -
Using a locum tenens in a private practice
(2013)Many medical practitioners in private practice use a locum tenens when they themselves are not available to practice. The locums are often appointed without consideration of the legal consequences or requirements. Legislation ... -
Constitutional court 1995-2012: how did the cases reach the court, why did the court refuse to consider some of them, and how often did the court invalidate laws and actions?
(2013)The purpose of this article is to contribute data for the purposes of debates on how effectively the Constitutional Court performed its functions between 1995 and 2012. The cut-off date of 31 December 2012 has no other ... -
Constitutional basis for the enforcement of ''executive'' policies that give effect to socio-economic rights in South Africa
(2013)Although "executive" policies remain an important governance tool, there appears to be confusion on the status and possible basis for their judicial enforcement in South Africa. The aim of this article is to critically ...