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dc.contributor.authorPitsoane, Jacobeth Refilwe
dc.description(M.Ed.) North-West University, Mafikeng Campus, 2003en_US
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of this study is to determine the possible training needs of the school governing bodies so that they can play their roles efficiently. Education can no longer be led by the producers, namely the academic theorists, the administrators and the educators' unions. Education must be shaped by the users, by what is good for the individual child and what hopes are held by parents. If power is to be moved, then it has to be managed, by implication, this management is to be by the users represented by the governors. Governing bodies have to take ownership of their schools to make sure that quality education is provided. In order to be effective democratically and managerially, the need for training should be recognized. The responsibilities for governing bodies are so important and complex that a governor cannot be expected to discharge them effectively without some training going beyond the normal process of picking up the job by doing it. The empirical investigation was employed to determine the training needs and strategies of the school governing bodies. Literature survey was also employed to determine the possible problems preventing the governing bodies to manage effectively. The population involved in this study was confined to principals, educator governors, parents, learners and co-opted members. The results of 210 respondents were analyzed. The findings revealed that the governing bodies did not know what to do and what not to do (i.e. they do not know their job description). Findings more over revealed that the governing bodies need to be empowered through extensive training. Recommendations made by the respondents on how training of school governing bodies should be done are also expounded. The respondents put more effort on organisation of workshops, mentoring, in-service training, clinical supervision and induction as relevant strategies that can enhance efficient school governance.en_US
dc.subjectSchool boards (South Africa)en_US
dc.subjectTraining needsen_US
dc.subjectSchool management and organizationen_US
dc.titleThe training needs of the governing bodies of Moretele District in Mpumalanga Provinceen

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