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dc.contributor.authorVan den Bergh, G.N.
dc.identifier.citationVan den Bergh, G.N. 1989. Potchefstroom se stigting: 1838 én 1839. Contree : Tydskrif vir Suid-Afrikaanse stedelike streekgeskiedenis = Contree : Journal for South African urban and regional history. 26:22-25, Oct. []en_US
dc.description.abstract• Opsomming: In 'n artikel in die vorige uitgawe van Contree word aangevoer dat Potchefstroom vroeg in 1838 gestig is omdat besetting van die gebied toe eers plaasgevind het. 'n Ontleding van die woordgebruik in 'n klompie ooggetuieverslae oor die dorp se vestigingsgeskiedenis, dui inderdaad daarop dat dit in die tyd beset is. Tog blyk dit uit navorsing dat Potchefstroom reeds in Desember 1838 geproklameer is. Dit kan dus ook as sy amptelike stigtingsdatum beskou word - dieselfde situasie as in die geval van ander Voortrekkerdorpe waar besetting deur proklamasie voorafgegaan is.en_US
dc.description.abstract• Summary: An article in the previous issue of Contree claims that Potchefstroom was established in 1839 because occupation of the area only took place then. An analysis of the wording in a number of reports by eyewitnesses on the history of the town's settlement does in fact indicate that it was indeed occupied during that time. Research however shows that Potchefstroom had already been proclaimed in December 1838. This date can therefore be regarded as its official date of establishment. As in the case of other Voortrekker towns, occupation was thus preceded by proclamation.
dc.publisherAfdeling Plaaslike en Streekgeskiedenisnavorsing van die lnstituut vir Geskiedenisnavorsing, RGN / Division for Local and Regional History Research, Institute for Historical Research, HSRCen_US
dc.titlePotchefstroom se stigting: 1838 én 1839.en_US

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