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dc.contributor.authorMinnaar, A de V
dc.identifier.citationMinnaar, A. de V. 1989. Melmoth - the first ten years (1888 - 1898). Contree : Tydskrif vir Suid-Afrikaanse stedelike streekgeskiedenis = Contree : Journal for South African urban and regional history. 26:26-33, Oct. []en_US
dc.description.abstract• Opsomming: Die dorp Melmoth in Zoeloeland is in 1888 gestig hoofsaaklik om te voorsien in die behoeftes van die Boere-plaaseienaars van die omliggende gebied. Daar is ook gehoop dat die dorp mettertyd tot sentrum van goudontginning in Zoeloeland sou ontwikkel - iets war egter nie gebeur het nie. In die beginjare moes Melmoth nie net meeding met die nabygeleë dorp Osborn nie; dit moes ook worstel met die Zoeloe-onrus van 1888 en natuurrampe soos droogte, sprinkane, hongersnood en veesiektes. Ofskoon Melmoth aan die einde van sy eerste dekade steeds 'n klein dorpie was, was dit die setel van die landdrosdistrik Mthonjaneni en het aan die gemeenskap noodsaaklike dienste gelewer.en_US
dc.description.abstract• Summary: Established in 1888 with the main function of providing for the needs of the surrounding Boer farmers, the town Melmoth in Zululand also hoped to develop into a centre for gold mining in that region. This ideal did not however materialize, and in its early years Melmoth had to contend with the establishment of a nearby rival town (Osborn), the 1888 Zulu disturbances, and natural calamities such as drought, locusts, famine and stock diseases. By the end of its first ten years, although small, Melmoth was the centre of the Mthonjaneni district and provided the community with essential services.
dc.publisherAfdeling Plaaslike en Streekgeskiedenisnavorsing van die lnstituut vir Geskiedenisnavorsing, RGN / Division for Local and Regional History Research, Institute for Historical Research, HSRCen_US
dc.titleMelmoth - the first ten years (1888 - 1898)en_US

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