Die bevordering van omgewingsgeletterdheid by graad ses–leerders deur middel van wateraktiwiteite
The study focuses on the role of water activities in the advancement of environmental literacy in grade six learners. The study is important as South Africa is experiencing a water crisis due to below average rainfall, overpopulation and poor management of water sources.
The implementation of water activities in primary and secondary school education is needed for the development of environmentally literate citizens who understand the connection between the environment, available water and poverty and who possess the skills to sustain water sources.
Environmental problems can be solved through environmental literacy (UNESCO, 1994:11). The purpose of the study is to determine how environmental literacy can be advanced by means of water activities carried out by grade six learners. The study is quantitative and a before- and after test questionnaire was used to compile data from an experimental and control group.
Five schools that are located near water sources took part in the research. The biotic water testing methods and light intensity measurements were used as water activities.
Active participation of learners in water activities contributed to the expansion of knowledge, skills and values regarding water in the environment.
- Education [1692]