Now showing items 5352-9621 of 9621

      Musical performance [1]
      Musical phenomena [1]
      Musical practices [1]
      Musical thematic structure [1]
      Musical thematics [1]
      Musical traces [1]
      musical transmission [1]
      Musicianship [1]
      Musicing [1]
      Musiek [3]
      Musiek by liggaamsopvoeding [1]
      Musiek luister [1]
      Musiekaktiwiteite [1]
      Musiekanalise [1]
      Musiekbediening [2]
      Musiekbedieningsgroep [1]
      Musiekeksamens [1]
      Musiekfilosofie [1]
      Musiekgraduandi [1]
      Musiekklankbaan [1]
      Musiekloopbane [1]
      Musiekonderrig en -leer [1]
      Musiekopvoeding [1]
      musiekprogram [1]
      Musikale aanleg [1]
      Musikale fenomene [1]
      musikale geste [1]
      musikale kragte [1]
      Musikale ontlening [1]
      Musikale spore [1]
      Musikale tematiek [1]
      Musikale uitvoering [1]
      Muslim [1]
      Mutilasie [1]
      Mutilation [1]
      Mxit [1]
      Mynbedryf [1]
      Mynbou [1]
      Mynbou-lewensiklus [1]
      Mystery [1]
      Mystery novel [1]
      Mystical union [1]
      Mysticism [1]
      Mystics [1]
      Myth [3]
      Myth(s) [1]
      Mythicity [1]
      mythology [1]
      Mythos [1]
      N-COPE [1]
      N.M. Mutasa [1]
      Nalatenskap [1]
      Named entity [1]
      Named entity recognition [1]
      Named-entity recognition [1]
      Namibia [3]
      Namibian Sun [1]
      Namibië [2]
      Nandipha Mntambo [1]
      Narratief [1]
      Narratiewe [1]
      Narratiewe diskoers [1]
      Narratiewe empatie [1]
      Narratiewe herinneringe [1]
      Narratiewe identiteit [2]
      Narratiewe ondersoek [1]
      Narratiewe ruimte [1]
      Narratiewe strategieë [1]
      Narratiewe struktuur [1]
      Narratiewe terapie [3]
      Narratiewe vertelling [1]
      Narration [2]
      Narrative [9]
      narrative [1]
      Narrative Analysis [1]
      Narrative approach [2]
      Narrative counseling [1]
      Narrative discourse [1]
      Narrative elements [1]
      Narrative empathy [1]
      Narrative engagement [1]
      narrative gerontology [1]
      Narrative Identity [1]
      Narrative identity [2]
      Narrative perspective [2]
      Narrative persuasion [1]
      Narrative research [1]
      Narrative Space [1]
      Narrative strategies [1]
      Narrative structure [2]
      Narrative text [1]
      Narrative theories [1]
      Narrative theory [1]
      Narrative therapy [8]
      Narrative time [1]
      Narrative transportation [1]
      Narratives [3]
      Narratives, apartheid [1]
      Narrativity [2]
      narrativity [1]
      Narratiwiteit [1]
      narratiwiteit [1]
      narratological devices [1]
      Narratological strategies [1]
      Narratologie [3]
      narratologie [1]
      Narratologiese strategiëe [1]
      Narratology [8]
      narratology [3]
      narrator [1]
      Narrators and voices [1]
      Narziß und Goldmund/Narcissus and Goldmund [1]
      Nasals [1]
      Nasionale Rampbestuursraamwerk [1]
      Nasionalisme [1]
      Naskoolse program [1]
      Natalia Pirozerskaya [1]
      National Broadband Policy [1]
      National Consumer Commission [1]
      National Council of Provinces [1]
      National Democratic Republic [1]
      National Democratic Revolution [3]
      National Democratic Revolution (NDR) [1]
      National Department of Human Settlements [1]
      national development plan [1]
      National Disaster Management Framework [1]
      National Environmental Management Act [1]
      National Gender and Equality Commission [1]
      National Heritage Resources Act [1]
      National identity [2]
      National interests [1]
      national liberation [1]
      National Party [1]
      National Peace and Reconciliation Commission [1]
      National reading panel [1]
      National School of Government [1]
      National Security [4]
      National security [2]
      National Socialism [1]
      National Water Act (NWA) [1]
      Nationalism [2]
      nationalism [2]
      Nationwide branches [1]
      Native speaker [1]
      Native speakerism, world mindedness [1]
      Natural disasters [1]
      Natural Language Processing [1]
      Natural language processing [5]
      natural language processing [1]
      Natural resources [2]
      Natural resources extraction [1]
      Natural Theology [1]
      Naturalism [1]
      Nature [3]
      nature [1]
      Nature-based program [1]
      Nature-human dichotomy [1]
      Nature—grace models [1]
      Natuur-mens tweespalt [1]
      Natuurliketaalprosessering [1]
      NC (African National Congress) [1]
      NCS [1]
      Ndau [1]
      NDP [1]
      Nederlands [5]
      Needs [6]
      Needs assessment [1]
      Needs in reading [1]
      Negatiewe affek [1]
      Negatiewe groepdruk [1]
      Negatiewe siening [1]
      Negation [1]
      Negative affect [2]
      Negative experiences [1]
      Negative peer pressure [1]
      Negative view [1]
      Negativity [1]
      Nege-figuur Prentjieverhaal [1]
      Neglect [1]
      Negotiated settlement [1]
      Negotiations [1]
      negotiations [1]
      Neighbourhood [1]
      Nelson Mandela [1]
      Neo-Calvinism [1]
      Neo-Classical assumptions [1]
      neo-colonialism [1]
      Neo-liberalism [3]
      Neo-Marxism [3]
      Neo-Marxisme [1]
      Neo-Patrimonialism [1]
      Neoclassical School of Economics [1]
      Neoliberalism [2]
      neoliberalism [2]
      Neoliberalisme [1]
      Neopatrimonialism [1]
      Neorealism [2]
      NESCO [1]
      Netball [1]
      netwerk [1]
      Networking programme [1]
      Neurobiology of trauma [1]
      Neurodevelopment [1]
      neurodevelopmental movement programme [1]
      Neuropsychology [1]
      Neutrality [1]
      Nevanji Madanhire [1]
      New democracy [1]
      New dialect formation [1]
      New English [1]
      New Englishes [2]
      New Historicism [1]
      New Materialism [1]
      New Media [1]
      New media [1]
      New media studies [1]
      New music [1]
      New technology [1]
      New Testament [1]
      New-dialect formation [1]
      News agencies [1]
      News bulletin [1]
      News selection [1]
      News values [1]
      Newsletter [1]
      Newsletters [1]
      Newspaper [1]
      Newspaper framing [1]
      Newspaper production process [1]
      Newspapers [1]
      Néantisation [1]
      NG Welsyn [1]
      Ngaka Modiri Molema District Municipality [3]
      NGOs [1]
      NHI [1]
      NICU [1]
      Nie-inskiklikheid [1]
      Nie-regeringsorganisasies (NRO) [2]
      nie-regeringsorganisasies (NRO’s) [1]
      Nie-Winsgewende Organisasie [1]
      Nie-winsgewende organisasie [1]
      Nie-winsgewende organisasies [1]
      Nie-winsgewende organisasies (NWOs) [1]
      Niel van der Watt [1]
      Nietasbare erfenis en erfenisbewaring [1]
      Nigeria [4]
      Nigerian Media [1]
      Night shift [1]
      Nihilism [1]
      Nine Figure Picture Story [1]
      Nineteenth century [1]
      Ninja [1]
      NISE [1]
      Nkandla [1]
      Nkangala District Municipality [1]
      Nkciyo [1]
      NMDAR channels. [1]
      Nominal groups [1]
      Non-abused children [1]
      Non-compliance [1]
      Non-defaulters [2]
      Non-democratic [2]
      Non-donors [1]
      Non-functional prototype (thin slice) [1]
      Non-government organisation (NGO) [1]
      Non-Governmental Organisation [1]
      Non-governmental organisations [1]
      Non-governmental organisations (NGO) [1]
      non-governmental organisations (NGOs) [1]
      Non-governmental organizations [1]
      Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) [1]
      Non-native speaker [1]
      Non-participants [1]
      Non-philosophy [1]
      Non-Profit Organisation [1]
      non-profit organisation (NPO) [1]
      Non-profit organisations [2]
      Non-profit organisations (NPOs) [1]
      Non-profit organizations [1]
      Non-Regulation [1]
      Non-standard employment [1]
      Non-standard work [1]
      Non-state actors [2]
      Non-traumatic SCI [1]
      Noodhulpfonds [1]
      Noodregulasies [1]
      Noordwes-Universiteit [3]
      Normal families [1]
      Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NOVI) [1]
      Normativity [1]
      Norms [1]
      North American English (NAmE) [1]
      North West Department of Health [2]
      North West Province [5]
      North West Provincial Executive Council [1]
      North West Provincial Government and governance [1]
      North West Provincial Legislature [1]
      North West University [1]
      North- West [1]
      North-South dichotomy [1]
      North-West Province [4]
      North-West University [7]
      North-West University (NWU) [1]
      North-West University (Potchefstroom Campus) [1]
      North-West University Potchefstroom Campus [1]
      North-West University School of Music [1]
      Northern Cape women [1]
      Nostalgia [1]
      Nostalgie [1]
      Not-for-profit [1]
      Noun phrase complement [1]
      Noun phrase modifier [1]
      Noun phrases [1]
      Nouns [1]
      nouverwante tale [1]
      Novel [4]
      novel [1]
      Novelette [1]
      Novella [1]
      Novelle [1]
      Novels [2]
      Novice translators [2]
      NPO [1]
      NPO sustainability [1]
      NPOs [1]
      NRO's [1]
      Ntsimane Walter [1]
      Ntsime, J. M. Khutsana [1]
      Ntsime, J. M. Pelo e ja Serati [2]
      Ntsime, J.M. [1]
      Nuclear [1]
      Numinous [1]
      Nurse shortage [1]
      Nurses [1]
      Nurses in training [1]
      Nutrition policy-South Africa-Mafikeng [1]
      Nutrition programme [1]
      Nutritional value [2]
      Nuusbulletin [1]
      Nuwe demokrasie [1]
      NWK [1]
      NWU [1]
      NWU Mafikeng Campus [1]
      NWU Pukke [1]
      NWU-PUKKE [1]
      Nyaope use [1]
      Nyaradzo Mtizira [1]
      Nywerheidskole [1]
      OBE lesson series [1]
      Obedience [1]
      Obesity [4]
      Object a Pauline Gutter [1]
      Objectification [1]
      Objectified body consciousness [1]
      Objectives [2]
      Objectives of the democratic developmental state [1]
      Objectivism [2]
      objectivism [1]
      Objectivity [1]
      Observers [1]
      Obstacles [1]
      Occupational Stress [1]
      Occupations [1]
      occurs form the day-to-day reality of barely trained volunteer counsellors [1]
      Ocular alignment [1]
      Odersteuning [1]
      oeuvre study [1]
      Offences [1]
      Official Language [1]
      Offline register [1]
      Offline subtitling [1]
      Offshore operations [1]
      OFS [1]
      Ogoni [1]
      Ogoniland [1]
      Oil [1]
      Oldenburg Burnout Inventory [1]
      older adults [1]
      Older black women [1]
      Older people [7]
      Older person [3]
      Older person's experiences [1]
      Older persons [11]
      older persons [1]
      Older White people [1]
      Olfactory intimacy [1]
      Oligarchy [2]
      Omgee/Sorg [1]
      Omgewing [2]
      Omgewings invloede [1]
      Omgewings-bestuur [1]
      Omgewings-etiek [1]
      Omniscience [2]
      Omstanders [1]
      Omstredenheid [1]
      Onbegeleide tjello [1]
      Onbegrensde teks [1]
      Onbeplande keisersnit [1]
      Onbewuste [1]
      Onderbewuste [1]
      Onderrig [1]
      Onderrigaktiwiteite [1]
      Onderrigsbenadering [1]
      Onderskrifte [1]
      onderskrifte [1]
      Ondersoek [1]
      Ondersoekbeampte [1]
      Ondersteuning [3]
      Ondersteuningsdienste [1]
      Ondersteuningsfunksie van supervisie [1]
      Ondersteuningsgroep [1]
      Ondervindinge [1]
      Onderwys [3]
      Onderwys (Sekondêr) [1]
      Onderwyser [1]
      onderwyser [1]
      Onderwysers [1]
      Onderwyserstres [1]
      one party dominance [1]
      One-person drama [1]
      Ongestruktureerde spel [1]
      Online [1]
      Online application [1]
      Online communication [1]
      Online discourse [1]
      Online evaluation model [1]
      Online Participation [1]
      Online register [1]
      Online relationships [1]
      Only-child adolescent [1]
      Onomkeerbare gefundeerde enkapsis [1]
      onpersoonlike gebruike [1]
      Onrein [1]
      Onsigbaarheid [1]
      Onsterflikheid [1]
      ontheemding [1]
      Onthulling [2]
      Ontluikende volwassenes [1]
      Ontogenesis [1]
      Ontological multimodal metalepsis [1]
      Ontological uncertainty [1]
      Ontologiese onsekerheid [1]
      Ontology [1]
      ontology [1]
      Ontwerpbeginsel [1]
      Ontwikkeling [4]
      ontwikkeling [1]
      Ontwikkelingsfase [1]
      Ontwikkelingsgerigte maatskaplike werk [1]
      Ontwikkelingsisteemteorie [1]
      Ontwikkelingskommunikasie [3]
      ontwikkelingskommunikasie [1]
      Ontwikkelingsprogramme [1]
      Ontwikkelingsprojekte [1]
      Ontwikkelingswelstand [1]
      Onverdraagsaamheid [1]
      Onvoltooide deelwoord [1]
      Oogbewegings [1]
      Oognaspeuring [1]
      Oorbruggingstegniek adolessensie [1]
      oorgang [1]
      Oorgewig [1]
      Oorlewendes [1]
      oorlewing [1]
      Oorlog [1]
      Oortreding van (tekstuele) grense [1]
      Oortredings [1]
      Open distance learning [1]
      Openbaarmaking [1]
      Openbare beleid [2]
      Openbare beleidmaking [1]
      Openbare beleidsimplementering (OBI) [1]
      Openbare beleidsproses [1]
      Openbare bewusmaking [1]
      Openbare sektor [1]
      Openbare skole [1]
      Openheid [1]
      Openness [1]
      Open~closed vowels [1]
      Opera [3]
      Opera development [1]
      Opera music [1]
      Operational guidelines [1]
      Operations Research [1]
      Operations Support Contracts [1]
      Opleiding van onderwysers [1]
      Opleidings-program [1]
      Opleidingsprogram [1]
      Opleidingsprogramme [1]
      oplettendheid [1]
      Opperman [1]
      Opperman, Diederik Johannes. Vergelegen [1]
      opposition parties [1]
      Opslag [1]
      Optimism [3]
      Optimisme [1]
      Opvoeder-leerder-verhouding [1]
      Opvoeders [2]
      Opvoeders se ervarings [1]
      opvoeding [1]
      Opvoedkundige ondersteunings-programme [1]
      Opvoedkundige psigologie [1]
      Opvoedkundige tolking [1]
      Opvoedkundige wette en wetgewing [1]
      OR Tambo District Municipality [1]
      Oral errors [1]
      Oral narration [1]
      Oral reading fluency [1]
      Oral story [1]
      Oral traditions [1]
      Oraliteit [2]
      Orality [2]
      Orange Free State [1]
      Orature [1]
      Orchestra [1]
      Orchestra members [1]
      Orchestral Sprachvermögen [1]
      Orchestration [1]
      Order [1]
      Orders of the simulacrum [1]
      Ordes van die simulakrum [1]
      Ordinary actions [1]
      ordination [1]
      Orfeus (Orpheus) [1]
      Organ sonata [1]
      Organisasie [1]
      Organisation [4]
      Organisational communication [2]
      Organisational culture [3]
      Organisational design [1]
      Organisational development [1]
      Organisational knowledge creation [1]
      Organisational performance [1]
      Organisational practices [1]
      Organisational principles [1]
      Organisational readiness [1]
      Organisational structure [1]
      Organisational success [1]
      Organisational theory [1]
      Organisational transformation [1]
      Organismic self-regulation [3]
      Organismiese self-regulering [2]
      Organismiese selfregulasie [1]
      Organizational change [1]
      Orientation function [1]
      Orientation programs [1]
      Oriëntering [1]
      Origen [1]
      Orkes [1]
      Orkeslede [1]
      orkestrasie [1]
      Orkney [1]
      Orphan [1]
      Orphan Child [1]
      Orphans [3]
      Orpheus [1]
      orth-South Polarisation [1]
      Orthographical analysis [1]
      Orthography [1]
      Ortografiese ontleding [1]
      Os [1]
      Oscillation [1]
      Osdrywer [1]
      Osdrywer's taal [1]
      Ossewa [1]
      Ossewa-Brandwag [1]
      Ossewa-Brandwag (OB) [1]
      Ossilasie [1]
      Ossweep [1]
      Other [2]
      Other and otherness [1]
      Otherness [3]
      Oudtshoorn plaaslike munisipaliteit [1]
      Ouer [3]
      Ouer as deel van die familiesisteem [1]
      Ouer mense [2]
      Ouer mense se ervarings [1]
      Ouer persone [7]
      ouer persone [1]
      Ouer persoon [1]
      Ouer Wit persone [1]
      Ouer-adolessentverhouding [1]
      Ouer-onderwyser-verhoudings [1]
      Ouerleidingprogramme [1]
      Ouers [6]
      Ouers se egskeiding [1]
      Ouerskapplanne [1]
      Ouerskapsplan [1]
      Ouerskapstyle [1]
      Ouervervreemding [1]
      Ouervervreemding (SAID) [1]
      Outcomes-based education [1]
      Outdoor experiential education [1]
      Outdoor instructor [1]
      Outdoor management development [1]
      Outer space [1]
      Outeur [1]
      Outeurskapidentifikasie [1]
      Outobiografie [1]
      outobiografie [1]
      outobiografiese poësie [1]
      Outpatient treatment centres [1]
      Outreach programme [2]
      Outsider [1]
      Outsourcing [1]
      OVC [1]
      Overuse injuries [1]
      Overweight [1]
      Ox [1]
      Ox wagon/s [1]
      Ox-driver [1]
      Ox-driver’s language [1]
      P.W. Botha [1]
      pain experiences of violinists [1]
      Pakistan [1]
      Palimpses-agtig [1]
      Palimpsest [2]
      Palimpsestuous [1]
      Paljas [1]
      Palliative care [1]
      Panpsigisme [1]
      Panpsychism [1]
      Paradigm shifts [1]
      Paradigms [1]
      paradoks [1]
      Paradoxical theory of change [1]
      Parameters [1]
      Paraplegia [1]
      Parateks [1]
      Parent [4]
      Parent alienation [1]
      Parent and teenager [1]
      Parent as part of the family system [1]
      Parent-adolescent relationship [2]
      parent-adolescent relationship [1]
      Parent-child interaction [1]
      Parent-child relationship [2]
      Parent-infant relationship [1]
      Parent-teacher relationships [1]
      Parent-teacher-relationships [1]
      Parental alienation [1]
      Parental alienation (SAID) [1]
      Parental divorce [4]
      parental involvement [1]
      Parental roles [1]
      Parenting [2]
      Parenting plan [1]
      Parenting plans [2]
      Parenting programme [2]
      Parenting style [1]
      Parenting styles [1]
      Parents [9]
      parents/caregivers [1]
      Paris climate agreement [1]
      Parish development model [1]
      Parity [1]
      Parity and breast feeding [1]
      Parliament [2]
      Parodie [1]
      Parser [1]
      Parsing [1]
      Part-of-speech tagging [2]
      Participant perception [1]
      Participation [12]
      Participation and collaboration [1]
      participation approach [1]
      Participatory [1]
      Participatory Action Research [1]
      Participatory action research [2]
      Participatory approach [7]
      participatory approach [1]
      Participatory approach to communication for social change [1]
      Participatory approach to development communication [2]
      Participatory Communication [2]
      Participatory communication [4]
      Participatory communication for social change [1]
      Participatory democracy [2]
      Participatory democracy Integrated Development Plan (IDP) [1]
      Participatory development [1]
      Participatory Development Communication [1]
      participatory development communication [1]
      Participatory evaluation [1]
      Participatory Governance [1]
      Participatory paradigm [2]
      Participle [1]
      Participle form of the verb [1]
      Particle verbs [1]
      Particles [1]
      Particpation [1]
      Partisipium [1]
      Partition [1]
      Partituur [1]
      Partner [1]
      Partnership [1]
      Partnerships [1]
      party preference [1]
      Parys [1]
      Parys South Africa [1]
      Pasiënt [1]
      Pasiënt-inskiklikheid [1]
      pasiëntvertroulikheid [1]
      Passive/avoidant (laissez-faire) leadership [1]
      Past [1]
      Past participle [1]
      Pastor pastorum [1]
      Pastoral [1]
      Pastoral counseling [1]
      Pastoral epistles [1]
      Pastoral tradition [1]
      Pastorale briewe [1]
      Pastorate berading [1]
      Paternal incest [1]
      Paterne bloedskande [1]
      Patient [1]
      Patient compliance [1]
      Patient confidentiality [1]
      Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9) [1]
      Patient health questionnaire (PHQ9) [1]
      Patients [2]
      patriarchal culture [1]
      Patriarchy [4]
      patriarg [1]
      Patristics [1]
      Patristiek [1]
      Patrologie [1]
      Patrology [1]
      Patronage [1]
      Pattern grammar [1]
      Patterns [1]
      patterns of adaptation [1]
      Paul [2]
      Paul Auster [1]
      Paul Cilliers [1]
      Paul Ricoeur [1]
      Pauline Gutter [1]
      Paulo Freire [1]
      Paulus [1]
      Pay cycle [1]
      Pay-point [1]
      Pay-point team member [1]
      PD model of communication [1]
      PE-teachers [1]
      Peace [4]
      Peace agreement [1]
      Peace and Security [1]
      Peace building-Lesotho [1]
      Peace building-South Africa [1]
      peace operations [1]
      Peace treaties [1]
      Peace-building [2]
      Peace-building, peace-keeping [1]
      Peace-building-Africa, Southern [1]
      Peace-Study and teaching [1]
      Pediatriese palliatiewe sorg [1]
      Peer education [1]
      Peer group [2]
      Peer group influence [1]
      Peer Group relations [1]
      Peer pressure [1]
      Peer-support [1]
      Peers [1]
      Pelo e ja serati [1]
      Pelo Segole [1]
      Pentecostalism [1]
      People living with HIV or AIDS (PLHA) [1]
      Perceived ease of use [1]
      Perceived social support [1]
      Perceived usefulness [1]
      Perception [6]
      Perceptions [17]
      Perceptions of older persons [1]
      Perceptual development [1]
      Perceptual faith [1]
      Perceptual mapping [1]
      Percy Bysshe Shelley [1]
      Perd-geassisteerde terapie [1]
      Perfect [1]
      Perfective [1]
      Perfektief [1]
      Perfektum [1]
      Performance [11]
      Performance anxiety [1]
      Performance art [1]
      performance art/living art [1]
      Performance Contracting [1]
      Performance Management [1]
      Performance management [3]
      performance management [1]
      Performance management implementation strategy [1]
      performance monitoring framework [1]
      Performance-related pain and violinists [1]
      Performative Research [1]
      performative research [1]
      performatiwiteit [1]
      Performing arts [2]
      Peri-urban townships [1]
      Perifrasties [1]
      Perifrastiesekonstruksievorm van die werkwoord [1]
      Perinatally infected [1]
      Periodical indexes [1]
      Periodical indices [1]
      Periphrastic [1]
      Periphrastic construction form of the verb [1]
      Perpetration [1]
      Perpetrator [1]
      Persecution [1]
      Persepsie [1]
      Persepsies [6]
      Persepsies van ouer persone [1]
      Perskode [1]
      Persombudsman [1]
      Person specifications [1]
      Personal [1]
      Personal development plan [1]
      Personal effectiveness [2]
      Personal Functioning [1]
      Personal letters [1]
      Personal model [1]
      Personal music [1]
      Personal unconscious [1]
      Personality [5]
      Personality factors [2]
      Personality principle [1]
      Personality profile [1]
      Personality profile composition [1]
      Personality trait theory [1]
      personality traits [1]
      Personeel [1]
      Personeel (personeelbestuur, personeeltekorte) [1]
      Personnel [2]
      Personnel capacity building programmes [4]
      Personnel capacity building programmes (PcaBP's) [1]
      Personnel capacity building programmes (PCBP) [1]
      Personnel capacity-building programmes [2]
      Personnel Capacity-Building Programmes (PCaBP's) [1]
      Personnel management [2]
      Personnel management-South Africa-North-West [1]
      Persoonlike onderbewussyn [1]
      persoonlike voornaamwoorde [1]
      Persoonlikheid [1]
      Perspective [2]
      Perspective in narration [1]
      Perspectives on origins [1]
      Perspectivism [1]
      Perspesie [1]
      Persraad [1]
      Persuasion campaigns [1]
      Persuasion communication [1]
      Persvryheid [2]
      PESTEL [1]
      Peter Ackroyd [1]
      Peter and the Wolf [1]
      Peter and Wendy (1911) [1]
      Peter Jackson [1]
      Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens (1906) [1]
      Peter Pan, or The Boy Who Would not Grow Up (1928) [1]
      Peter Panzerfaust (2012- ) [1]
      Peter, 1st, III, 1-7 [1]
      Péter Louis van Dijk [1]
      Pharmacy [1]
      Phenomenography [1]
      Phenomenological [1]
      Phenomenological approach [1]
      Phenomenological investigation [1]
      Phenomenological research [2]
      Phenomenology [16]
      phenomenology [1]
      Phetsolelo [1]
      Philology [1]
      Philosophical counselling [1]
      Philosophy [2]
      Philosophy of science [2]
      philosophy of science [1]
      Philosophy of Technology [1]
      Philosophy of technology [1]
      Phonetic analysis [1]
      Phonetics [2]
      Phonology [1]
      Photograph’s [1]
      Photovoice [1]
      Physical [1]
      Physical ability [1]
      Physical activity [10]
      Physical care [1]
      Physical development [1]
      Physical Education [1]
      Physical fitness [1]
      Physical growth [1]
      Physical health [2]
      Physical ill health [1]
      Physical ill-health [1]
      Physical losses [1]
      Physical science [1]
      Physical violence [1]
      Physical well-being [1]
      Physicalism [1]
      Physiology [1]
      Piaget [1]
      Pianistic sensations [1]
      Piano [3]
      Piano beginner [1]
      Piano examinations [1]
      Piano pedagogy [1]
      Piano performance [1]
      Piano practising [1]
      Piano teacher [1]
      Piano teaching [2]
      Piano technique [1]
      Piano touch [1]
      Piano trio [1]
      Piano Trio in C major, Op. 22 [1]
      Picaresque [1]
      Pick a leader [1]
      Pick a leader, sosiale betrokkenheidsprogramme [1]
      Pick-A-Leader [1]
      Pictorial convention [1]
      Pidgin [1]
      Pidginised Afrikaans [1]
      Pierre Teilhard de Chardin [1]
      Piet Retief [2]
      Piet van Rooyen [1]
      Pieter Boskma [1]
      Pieter en die Wolf [1]
      Piety [1]
      Pikaresk [1]
      Pilanesburg (South Africa) [1]
      Pioneer [1]
      Plaaslike munisipaliteit [1]
      Plaaslike regering [2]
      plaaslike regering [1]
      Plaatje [1]
      Place [1]
      Place and space [1]
      Place Based-Education (PBE) [1]
      Placing [1]
      Planning and focus [1]
      Planning authority [1]
      Planning of goals [2]
      Platinum [1]
      PLATO [1]
      Platonism [1]
      Plattelandse gemeenskap [1]
      Plattelandse Suid-Afrika [1]
      Play [1]
      Play as a teaching aid [1]
      Play therapy [3]
      Play-based activities [1]
      Plays [1]
      Pleegkind [1]
      Pleegkinders [1]
      Pleegouer [2]
      Pleegouers [1]
      Pleegsorg [5]
      Pleegsorgouers [1]
      Plek [1]
      plek-spesifieke kuns [1]
      Plekspesifieke digitale literatuur [1]
      Plosives [1]
      Plot [1]
      Pluralisme [1]
      Pluraliteitsteorie [1]
      Plurality [1]
      Plutchik [1]
      PLWHA [1]
      Poetics [1]
      Poetry [4]
      Poësie [3]
      poësie [1]
      Poko ya Magareng/Segompieno ya Setswana [1]
      Polarisation [1]
      Police [2]
      Police members [1]
      Policewomen [1]
      Policy [5]
      Policy analysis [1]
      Policy change [1]
      Policy connect [1]
      Policy evaluation [1]
      Policy formulation [1]
      Policy Impact [1]
      Policy implementation [1]
      policy of multilingualism [1]
      Polifonie [2]
      Polisie [1]
      polisisteemteorie [1]
      political [1]
      Political accountability [1]
      Political activity [1]
      Political and economic crisis [1]
      Political change [1]
      Political commentator [1]
      Political communication [1]
      political context [1]
      Political crisis [1]
      Political culture [1]
      Political decay [1]
      Political development [2]
      Political economy of energy [1]
      Political ideology [1]
      Political information [1]
      Political knowledge [1]
      Political leadership [1]
      Political learning [1]
      Political marketing [1]
      Political myth [1]
      Political negligence [1]
      Political participation [2]
      Political parties [1]
      Political protest [1]
      political rationality [1]
      Political Regime classification and theory [1]
      Political Regimes [1]
      Political Regimes/Systems [1]
      Political science [1]
      Political television advertisements [1]
      Politicians [1]
      Politicisation [2]
      Politicization [1]
      Politics [8]
      Politics and government [4]
      Politics and government. [1]
      Politiek en owerheid [2]
      Pollution [1]
      Polygyny [1]
      Polyphonic [1]
      Polyphony [5]
      Polysemy [1]
      Polysystem theory [1]
      Poor community [1]
      Poor White question [1]
      Pops Mohamed [1]
      Popular culture [1]
      popular history [1]
      Popular press [1]
      Populêre musiek [1]
      Populêre teks [1]
      Populist media [1]
      porous borders [1]
      Portrayal [1]
      Portuurgroep [1]
      Portuurgroepverhoudinge [1]
      Portuursteun [1]
      Positiewe affek [2]
      Positiewe emosies [1]
      Positiewe Jeug-Intervensiemodel (sg. PYDI model) [1]
      Positiewe jeugontwikkeling [1]
      Positiewe morele waardesisteem [1]
      Positiewe Sielkunde [4]
      Positiewe sielkunde [6]
      Positiewe verhouding [1]
      positiewesielkunde [1]
      Positioning [1]
      positioning [1]
      Positive adjustment [1]
      Positive affect [3]
      Positive emotions [1]
      Positive experiences [1]
      Positive functioning [1]
      Positive moral value system [1]
      Positive perspective [1]
      Positive Psychology [4]
      Positive psychology [25]
      positive psychology [4]
      Positive Regard [1]
      Positive relationship [1]
      positive relationships [1]
      positive social change [1]
      Positive thought [1]
      Positive youth development [1]
      Positive youth development intervention model (PYDI model) [1]
      Positiver Psyhology [1]
      Possession (1990) [1]
      Possible selves. [1]
      Possible world(s) [1]
      Possible worlds [1]
      Possible worlds theory [1]
      possible-worlds theory [1]
      Post Colonial Englishes [1]
      Post colonial theory [1]
      Post traumatic stress disorder [1]
      post-1994 [1]
      Post-abortion counselling [1]
      Post-apartheid [3]
      Post-classical narratology [1]
      post-colonial Zimbabwe [1]
      Post-colonialism [2]
      post-conflict justice [1]
      post-conflict reconstruction [1]
      Post-conflict reintegration [1]
      Post-Jungiaanse kritiek [1]
      Post-Jungian criticism [1]
      Post-modern [1]
      Post-modernistic ethics [1]
      Post-modernsim [1]
      Post-postmodernism [1]
      Post-postmodernisme [1]
      Post-secularism [1]
      Postal service [1]
      Postapatheid onderwys [1]
      Postclassical (visual) narratology [1]
      Postclassical narratology [3]
      postclassical narratology [1]
      Postcolonial critique [1]
      Postcolonial drama [1]
      Postcolonial identity [1]
      Postcolonial literature [1]
      Postcolonial space [1]
      Postcolonial theory [1]
      Postcolonialism [11]
      Posthumanism [1]
      Posthumanisme [1]
      postklassieke narratologie [1]
      Postkolonialisme [4]
      postkolonialisme [1]
      Postkritiese leesstrategieë [1]
      Postmodemism [1]
      Postmodemisme [1]
      Postmodern [3]
      Postmodern fiction [1]
      Postmodern philosophy [1]
      Postmoderne etiek [1]
      Postmodernism [17]
      postmodernism [2]
      Postmodernism / poststructuralism [1]
      Postmodernism and intertextuality [1]
      Postmodernisme [6]
      Postmodernisme / poststrukturalisme [1]
      Postmodernisme en intertekstualiteit [1]
      postmodernist fiction [1]
      Postmodernist identity. [1]
      Postnatal depression [1]
      Postpartum period [1]
      Poststructuralism [1]
      Posttraumatic growth [1]
      Postulêre werkwoorde (VPOS’e) [1]
      Postural verbs (CPVs) [1]
      Potable water [1]
      Potchefstroom [5]
      Potchefstroom Campus [1]
      Potchefstroom Campus (PC) [1]
      Potchefstroom Gimnasium [1]
      Potchefstroomkampus [1]
      Potencial Index Battery [1]
      Potential strategies [1]
      Potgietersrus [1]
      Poul Ruders [1]
      Poussin [1]
      Poverty [12]
      poverty [2]
      Poverty alleviation [4]
      Poverty reduction [2]
      Poverty reduction strategic framework [1]
      Poverty-South Africa-Mafikeng [1]
      Power [4]
      Power dynamics [1]
      Power Elite [1]
      Power relations [1]
      Power structure [1]
      Ppsycho-social [1]
      PRA [1]
      Practical relevance [1]
      Practice guidelines [1]
      Practice model [1]
      Practice-based [1]
      Practice-based and practice-led research [1]
      Practice-based Research [1]
      Practice-based research [3]
      practice-based research [1]
      Practice-led Research [1]
      Practice-led research [3]
      Practices [1]
      Practitioner knowledge [1]
      Practitioner roles [1]
      Practitioner's skills [1]
      practitioners [1]
      Praise [1]
      Praise and worship [1]
      Praise denunciation [1]
      Praktisynskennis [1]
      Praktisynsrolle [1]
      Praktisynsvaardighede [1]
      Praktykgebaseerde en praktykgeleide navorsing [1]
      Praktykgebaseerde navorsing [3]
      Praktykgeleide navorsing [1]
      Praktykopleier [1]
      Prakykopleiding [1]
      Pre-abortion counselling [1]
      Pre-adolescent [1]
      Pre-forensic evaluation [1]
      Pre-forensic screening instrument [1]
      Pre-forensiese evaluering [1]
      Pre-forensiese siftingsinstrument [1]
      Pre-processing [1]
      Pre-school child [1]
      Pre-trial phase [1]
      Preacher [1]
      Preaching [1]
      Predator [1]
      Predictors [1]
      Prediker [1]
      Prediking [1]
      Preference functions [1]
      Pregnancy [3]
      Pregnant and parenting adolescents [1]
      Preller [2]
      Prelude [1]
      Premarital [1]
      Premature pregnancy [1]
      Prematuur [1]
      Preparation [1]
      preparedness [1]
      Prepositions [2]
      preschool child [1]
      Preschool children [1]
      prescribed fantasy [1]
      Prescribed music [1]
      Prescriptivism [1]
      Present participle [1]
      Presentation [1]
      Presenteeism [1]
      Press [1]
      Press code [1]
      Press council [1]
      Press freedom [1]
      Press ombudsman [1]
      Pressure to conform [1]
      Prestasie [1]
      Presuppositions [1]
      Preterital assimilation [1]
      Preterm [1]
      Pretoria [1]
      Prevalence [1]
      Preventative programme [1]
      Prevention [3]
      prevention [1]
      prevention of child sexual abuse [1]
      Prevention of mother-to-child transmission [1]
      Prevention programmes [1]
      prevention school programme [1]
      prevention-oriented services [1]
      Previously disadvantaged [1]
      Primary caregivers [3]
      Primary families [1]
      Primary health care [1]
      Primary school [1]
      Primary school child [1]
      Primary school children [1]
      Primary school learners [1]
      Primary school teacher [1]
      Primary school-aged boys [1]
      Primêre gesinne [1]
      Primêre versorgers [2]
      Primitivism [1]
      Primitivisme [1]
      Primitivist art [1]
      Primitivistiese kuns [1]
      Principles [3]
      principles of orchestration [1]
      Principles of ubuntu [1]
      Print media [1]
      Printed information sources [1]
      Printed reference sources [1]
      Prior Informed Consent [1]
      Prison fellowship [1]
      Privaat sektor [1]
      Privaatplekke van tydelike versorging [1]
      privaatskool [1]
      Private Christian schools [1]
      Private Companies [1]
      Private Partner [1]
      Private places of temporary safe-care [1]
      private school [1]
      Private Sector [1]
      Private sector [2]
      Private tuition [1]
      Privatisation [1]
      Privatisation Model [1]
      Privatisation model [1]
      Privileged [1]
      Pro-poor expenditure [1]
      Pro-poor funding [1]
      Pro-social behaviour [1]
      Pro-sosiale gedrag [1]
      Probation officer [1]
      Probleemoplossing-self-effektiwiteit [1]
      Problem behaviour [1]
      Problem solving [3]
      Problem solving networks [1]
      Problem-solving [2]
      Probleme en uitdagings ten opsigte van OBI [1]
      Problemitisation [1]
      Problems and challenges of PPI [1]
      Procedure [1]
      Procedures [3]
      Process syllabus [1]
      Process and structure [1]
      Process approach [1]
      Process management [1]
      Process Writing Approach [1]
      Process-evaluation [1]
      Process-focused approach [1]
      Process-oriented research [2]
      Process-Person-Context-Time (PPCT) [1]
      Process-related [1]
      Processes [1]
      Processing [1]
      Procurement [1]
      Procurement practices [1]
      Procurement process [1]
      Product Emotion Measurement (PrEmo) [1]
      Product-Oriented [1]
      Production techniques [1]
      Productivity [1]
      Proefbeampte [1]
      Profane [1]
      Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) [1]
      Professional nurses [1]
      Professional organisation [1]
      Professional pianist [1]
      Professional social networking [2]
      Professional socialisation [1]
      Professionalisation [2]
      Professionalism in sports [1]
      Professionalisme in sport [1]
      Professionalization [1]
      Professionals [1]
      Professionele pianis [1]
      Professionele sosiale netwerke [1]
      Professions [1]
      profile [1]
      Profiling [1]
      Profit motive [1]
      Program [2]
      Programme [7]
      Programme design [2]
      Programme development [1]
      Programme evaluation [4]
      Programmes [3]
      Progress [1]
      Progressief [1]
      Progressive [1]
      Progressive aspect [1]
      Project charter [1]
      Project governance [1]
      Project governance model [1]
      Project management [3]
      Project management methodology [1]
      Project management office [1]
      Project performance assessment [1]
      Project plan [1]
      Projected implications [1]
      Projects [2]
      Prokureur [1]
      Prolepsis [1]
      Promised Land [1]
      Promosa [1]
      promote [1]
      Pronouns [1]
      Pronunciation [2]
      Pronunciation training [1]
      Propaganda [1]
      propagandists [1]
      Propensity [1]
      proporsioneel kiesstelsels [1]
      proportional electoral systems [1]
      Proportional representation councillors [1]
      Proposed film script of Peter Pan (c. 1920) [1]
      prosa [1]
      Prosecution [1]
      Prosecutor [1]
      Prosecutors [1]
      Prosedures en Aanmelding [1]
      proses van kontak [1]
      Proses-matig [1]
      Prosesse [1]
      Prosocial behaviour [1]
      Prosodic features [1]
      Prosopography [1]
      Prososiale gedrag [1]
      Prospective foster parents [1]
      protection factors [1]
      Protection needs [1]
      Protective behaviours [1]
      Protective factor [1]
      Protective factors [1]
      Protes [1]
      Protest [1]
      Protest fiction [1]
      Protest Poetry [1]
      Protégé – Mentee [1]
      Proto-Afrikaner [1]
      Proto-Boer [1]
      Protocol [2]
      Prototipe [1]
      Prototipemodel [1]
      Prototype [1]
      Prototype model [1]
      Provincial Executive Council [1]
      Provisioning and maintenance [1]
      Psalm melody [1]
      Psalm versification [1]
      Psalmberyming [1]
      Psalmmelodie [1]
      Psalms [1]
      Psigiatriese konteks [1]
      Psigo-opvoedkundig [1]
      Psigo-sosiaal [1]
      Psigo-sosiale [1]
      Psigoanalise [1]
      Psigofortologie [1]
      Psigologie [2]
      psigologie [1]
      Psigologiese behandeling [1]
      Psigologiese en sosiokulturele aanpassing [1]
      Psigologiese geboorte-orde [1]
      Psigologiese gesondheid [1]
      Psigologiese ongesondheid en werk sukses [1]
      Psigologiese veerkragtigheid [1]
      Psigologiese veerkragtigheidsbates [1]
      Psigologiese veerkragtigheidsprossesse [1]
      Psigologiese voordele [1]
      Psigologiese welstand [7]
      Psigometriese kenmerke [1]
      Psigopatologie [1]
      Psigososiale behoeftes [1]
      Psigososiale funksionering [1]
      Psigososiale gesondheid [1]
      Psigososiale omstandighede [1]
      Psigososiale ontwikkeling [1]
      Psigoterapie [1]
      Psychiatric context [1]
      Psychiatric hospitalisation [1]
      Psycho-education [1]
      Psycho-educational strategy [1]
      Psycho-social [1]
      Psycho-social Therapeutic Program [1]
      Psychoanalysis [1]
      Psychofortology [4]
      Psycholinguistic models of reading [1]
      Psychological [2]
      Psychological and social well-being [1]
      Psychological and sociocultural adaptation [1]
      Psychological and spiritual wellbeing [1]
      Psychological attachment [1]
      Psychological availability [1]
      Psychological benefit [1]
      Psychological birth order [1]
      Psychological Contract [1]
      Psychological development [1]
      Psychological factors [1]
      Psychological forces [1]
      Psychological functioning [2]
      Psychological health/well-being [1]
      Psychological help [1]
      Psychological ill health and work success [1]
      Psychological ill-health [1]
      Psychological meaningfulness [1]
      Psychological mindedness [1]
      Psychological need frustration [1]
      Psychological need satisfaction [2]
      Psychological needs [1]
      Psychological resilience [1]
      Psychological safety [1]
      Psychological skills [1]
      Psychological strengths [3]
      Psychological support [1]
      Psychological traits associated with eating disorders [1]
      Psychological trauma [1]
      Psychological treatment [1]
      Psychological Well-Being [1]
      Psychological Well-being [1]
      Psychological well-being [39]
      psychological well-being [3]
      Psychological Wellbeing [1]
      Psychological wellbeing [2]
      psychological wellbeing [1]
      Psychologist [1]
      Psychologists [2]
      Psychology [6]
      Psychometric properties [8]
      Psychopathology [1]
      Psychosocial circumstances [1]
      Psychosocial development [2]
      Psychosocial experiences [2]
      Psychosocial functioning [1]
      Psychosocial health [1]
      Psychosocial intervention programmes [1]
      Psychosocial needs [2]
      Psychosocial support [1]
      Psychosocial typology [1]
      Psychosocial well-being [4]
      Psychosocial well-being in late-adulthood [1]
      Psychotherapy [1]
      Puberteit [1]
      Puberty [1]
      Public [1]
      Public Administration [1]
      Public administration [1]
      Public agenda [1]
      Public alcohol drinking places [1]
      Public Awareness [1]
      Public debate [1]
      Public Diplomacy [1]
      Public entity [1]
      Public finance [1]
      Public financial management [1]
      Public funded projects [1]
      Public funds [1]
      Public health sector [1]
      Public healthcare [2]
      Public Higher Education Sector [1]
      Public interest [1]
      public leaders [1]
      Public needs [1]
      Public Participation [3]
      Public participation [7]
      Public Participation forum (PPF) [1]
      Public participation strategy [1]
      Public performance management system [1]
      Public policies [1]
      Public Policy [1]
      Public policy [3]
      Public policy implementation (PPI) [1]
      Public policy process [1]
      Public policy-making [1]
      Public Private Partnerships [2]
      Public protests or violence [1]
      Public relations [6]
      public relations [1]
      Public relations practitioner [1]
      Public school [1]
      Public Schools [1]
      Public Sector [1]
      Public sector [7]
      Public sector accountability [1]
      Public sector innovation [1]
      Public Sector institutions Public-Private Partnership [1]
      Public sector service organization [1]
      Public servants [1]
      Public Service [2]
      Public Service and key terms [1]
      Public Service Broadcaster (PSB) [1]
      Public service context [1]
      Public service delivery [1]
      Public Sphere [1]
      Public-private Partnerships [2]
      Public-sphere theory [1]
      Publishers [1]
      Publishing [1]
      Pupils [2]
      Purity [1]
      purpose [1]
      Purpose of Education [1]
      Purpose-in-life [1]
      Push and pull [1]
      Put your heart under your feet... and walk [1]
      Qaba [1]
      QoL contributors [1]
      QoL domains [1]
      QoL inhibitors [1]
      Qualitative [7]
      Qualitative case study [1]
      Qualitative data collection [1]
      Qualitative data collection and analysis [1]
      Qualitative data collection methods [1]
      Qualitative interpretive research was to explore the experiences of HIV [1]
      Qualitative research [18]
      qualitative research [3]
      Qualitative research synthesis [2]
      Qualitative role overload [1]
      Quality [1]
      Quality journalism [1]
      Quality management [1]
      Quality management model [1]
      Quality Management System [1]
      Quality of journalism [1]
      Quality of Life [1]
      Quality of life [7]
      Quality of Local Governments [1]
      Quantative grammaticocography [1]
      Quantifiers [1]
      Quantitative research [1]
      Quantitative role overload [1]
      Quasi-modals [1]
      queer [1]
      Queer citizenship [1]
      queer gerontology [1]
      Queer migration [1]
      Queer theory [4]
      Raad vir Gesondheidsberoepe van Suid-Afrika [1]
      Raaiselkind [1]
      Raamwerk [1]
      Race [4]
      Racial identities [1]
      Racial identity [1]
      Racism [1]
      Radical Construction Grammar [1]
      Radical ideologies [1]
      Radicalism [1]
      Radicalization [1]
      Radio [1]
      Radio Broadcasting [1]
      Radio drama [1]
      Radio drama / theatre [1]
      Radio Talk [1]
      Radio theatre [1]
      Raga I [1]
      Raga III [1]
      Ragtime [1]
      Rainbow Nation [1]
      Rainfall and temperature [1]
      Rame [1]
      Raming [2]
      Ramono [1]
      Ramotshere Moiloa Local Municipality [1]
      Ramprisikobestuur [1]
      Ramprisikokommunikasie [1]
      Ramprisikovermindering [2]
      randfigure [1]
      Random [1]
      Randomised control trials [1]
      rap [1]
      Rape [2]
      Rape incidents [1]
      Rapist [1]
      Rapport [1]
      Ras [2]
      Ras-identiteite [1]
      Rasch modelling [1]
      Rashomon Effect [1]
      Rassisme [1]
      Rating [1]
      Rating of [1]
      Rating scale development [1]
      Ratings [1]
      Rationalism [2]
      rationality [1]
      Re-appropriation of indigenous conflict [1]
      Re-appropriation of indigenous conflict resolution processes [1]
      Re-construction [1]
      Re-standardisation [2]
      Reaction of readers [1]
      Readability [1]
      Reader [4]
      Reader background [1]
      reader experience [1]
      Reader involvement [2]
      Reader response [1]
      Reader response criticism [1]
      Reader-response criticism [1]
      Reader-writer-relationship [1]
      Reading [3]
      Reading ability [1]
      Reading behaviour [1]
      Reading comprehension [3]
      Reading demands [1]
      Reading experience [1]
      Reading index [1]
      Reading instruction research [1]
      Reading prosody [1]
      Reading speed [1]
      Reading strategies [2]
      Ready-reference sources [1]
      reaksie [1]
      Real estate agencies [1]
      Real Estate Agents [1]
      Real estate agents [1]
      Realia [1]
      Realism [6]
      reality [1]
      Reallocation [1]
      reason [1]
      Recall [1]
      Recanting [1]
      Reception [1]
      Reception aesthetics [1]
      Reception theory [2]
      Recidivism [1]
      Reciprocity [2]
      Recognition [1]
      Recommendation [1]
      Reconciliation [1]
      reconciliation and development [1]
      Reconstituted family [1]
      Reconstruction [1]
      Reconstruction of the self-narrative [1]
      Recourse allocation [1]
      Recreation [3]
      Recreation centres [1]
      Recreation management [1]
      Recreation management competencies [1]
      Recreation participation [1]
      Recreation provision [1]
      Recruitment [1]
      Recruitment messages [1]
      recruitment strategy [1]
      Red Riding Hood [1]
      Redan rock engraving site [1]
      Redan-rotsgraveringsterrein [1]
      Reduksionisme [1]
      Reduplication [1]
      Reference sources [1]
      Referendum [1]
      Referential void [1]
      Referral [1]
      Reflection [1]
      Reflective Journals [1]
      Reflective paradigm [2]
      Reflective practitioner [1]
      Reflective supervision [1]
      Reflektiewe paradigma [2]
      reflektiewe paradigma [1]
      Reform [1]
      Reformation [1]
      Reformational movement [1]
      Reformational Philosophy [1]
      Reformational philosophy [2]
      Reformational world view/philosophy [1]
      Reformatoriese antropologie [1]
      Reformatoriese filosofie [1]
      Reformatoriese ontologie [1]
      Reformed Churches of South Africa [1]
      Reformed theology [1]
      Refugees [1]
      Regelski [1]
      Reger [1]
      Regime Change [1]
      Regime Change Outcomes [1]
      Regional history [1]
      Regionality [1]
      Register [1]
      Register studies [2]
      register variation [1]
      Registered counsellors [1]
      regression modelling [1]
      Regressions [1]
      Regsaspekte van egskeiding [1]
      Regsgeleerdheid [1]
      Regstellende wetgewing [1]
      Regular expression [1]
      regulated health professions [1]
      Regulation [2]
      Regulations [1]
      regulations [1]
      Rehabilitation [1]
      Rehearsal strategies [1]
      Rein [1]
      REIPPPP [1]
      Reisprosa [1]
      Reisverhaal [1]
      Rejection [1]
      Rejection experience [1]
      rekenaarondersteunde opleiding [1]
      Rekonstruksie [1]
      Rekonstruksie van die selfnarratief [1]
      Rekreasie [1]
      Rekreasiebestuur [1]
      Rekreasiebestuursvaardighede [1]
      Rekreasiesentrums [1]
      Rekreasievoorsiening [1]
      Relaas… [1]
      Relasionaliteit [2]
      relasionaliteit [1]
      relasionele outonomie [1]
      Relasionele performatisme [1]
      Relation [1]
      Relational and collective well-being [1]
      Relational asymmetric principle [1]
      Relational challenges [1]
      Relational communication framework [1]
      Relational contributions [1]
      Relational coping [1]
      Relational identity [1]
      Relational losses [1]
      Relational perspective [1]
      Relational qualities [2]
      Relational regulation [1]
      Relational returns [1]
      Relational well-being [5]
      relational well-being [1]
      Relational wellbeing [3]
      Relationality [2]
      Relations of power [1]
      Relationship [1]
      relationship [1]
      Relationship between fathers and a learning-impaired child [1]
      Relationship building strategies [2]
      Relationship cultivating strategies [1]
      Relationship management [11]
      relationship management [1]
      Relationship management theory [1]
      Relationship marketing [1]
      relationship marketing [1]
      Relationship outcomes [3]
      Relationship(s) [1]
      Relationshipfocused approach [1]
      Relationships [10]
      Relative deprivation [1]
      Relativism [2]
      Relativisme [1]
      Reliability [9]
      reliability [1]
      Religie [1]
      Religion [9]
      religion [1]
      Religion and science [2]
      Religiosity [1]
      Religious and Linguistic Communities (CRL) [1]
      Religious belief [1]
      Religious beliefs [1]
      Religious communication [1]
      Religious cultural beliefs and practices [1]
      Religious education [1]
      Religious Freedom [1]
      Religious freedom [1]
      Religious protest [1]
      Religious regulation the Commission for the Promotion and a Promotion of the Rights of Cultural [1]
      Reluctance [1]
      Remarriage [1]
      Remediërende onderrig [1]
      Remembrance of Things Past [1]
      Remittances [1]
      Remuneration [1]
      Renal function [1]
      Renewable energy [1]
      Repertoire [1]
      Repetitive devices [1]
      Report writing [1]
      Reporting [3]
      Repositioning of psychological birth order [1]
      Representasie [1]
      representasie [1]
      Representation [7]
      Representation of identity [1]
      Representation of time and space [1]
      Representation of women [1]
      Representational function [1]
      Representative [1]
      Representative democracy [2]
      representative democracy [1]
      Representivity [1]
      Reproductive age [1]
      RepTrak™ [1]
      Reputasie [1]
      Reputation [3]
      Reputation management [1]
      Reputation measurement [1]
      Reputation score [1]
      Research design [1]
      Research on family functioning [1]
      Research-led practice [1]
      Resepsie-estetika [1]
      Residensiële sorg [1]
      residensiële sorgfasiliteit [1]
      Residensiële versorgingseenheid [1]
      Residensiële versorgingsfasiliteit [1]
      Residential care [1]
      Residential care facilities [2]
      Residential care facility [3]
      residential care facility [1]
      Residential care/ Children’s home [1]
      Residential facilities [1]
      Residential social worker [1]
      Residentiële sorg fasiliteite [1]
      residents [1]
      Resilience [19]
      resilience [2]
      Resilience assets [1]
      Resilience processes [2]
      Resiliency [1]
      Resilient [2]
      Resistance [2]
      resistance [1]
      Resistance theatre [1]
      Resistant behaviour [1]
      Resource development [1]
      Resource management [1]
      Resource politics [1]
      Resource scarce languages [1]
      Resource use [1]
      Resource-Constrained Environment [1]
      Resource-poor community [1]
      Resource-scarce languages [1]
      Resources [1]
      Respeaking [1]
      Respect [8]
      Respek [3]
      response [1]
      Responsibilities [1]
      Responsibility [1]
      Responsibility to Protect (R2P) [1]
      Rest allowance [1]
      Restitution procedures [1]
      Restorative experiences [1]
      Restructuring [1]
      Restructuring process [1]
      Retail banking segment [1]
      Retail brand name [1]
      retail sector [1]
      Retensie [1]
      Retention [4]
      Retention policy [1]
      Retired person [2]
      Retoriek [1]
      retoriese strategieë [1]
      retorika [1]
      Retraction [1]
      Retrospective interviews [1]
      Return on investment (ROI) [3]
      Revans [1]
      Revelation [1]
      Reversing language shift [1]
      Revolution [2]
      Revue [1]
      Rewriting [3]
      Rhetoric [1]
      Rhetorical space [1]
      Rhythm [1]
      Rhythmic forces [1]
      Ricoeur [1]
      Riem/e [1]
      Right to fair and proper trial [1]
      Right to information [1]
      right to vote/suffrage [1]
      Right-wing opposition [1]
      Riparian rights [1]
      Ripples on a pond model [1]
      Risiko [1]
      Risiko faktore [1]
      Risikofaktore [2]
      risikofaktore [1]
      Risk [4]
      Risk assessments [1]
      Risk behaviour [2]
      Risk factor [1]
      Risk factors [4]
      risk factors [1]
      Risk management [1]
      Risk perception [1]
      Risk-taking behaviour [1]
      risk-taking behaviours [1]
      Riskante gedrag [2]
      Risks [1]
      Risky behaviour [1]
      Risky Sexual behaviour [1]
      Rite de passage [1]
      rites [1]
      rituele [1]
      Robert Fuchs [1]
      Robert McKee [1]
      Robinson Crusoe [1]
      Rock & Pop syllabi [1]
      Rodwell Machingauta [1]
      Roepman [1]
      Rol [1]
      Rol van die maatskaplike werker [1]
      Roland Barthes [1]
      Role [2]
      Role experience [1]
      Role fulfilment/role division [1]
      Role of the social worker [1]
      Role of the state [1]
      Role theory [2]
      Role-players [1]
      Role-playing [1]
      Roles [3]
      Rolle [1]
      Rolong (African people) [1]
      rolprente [1]
      Rolprentgenres [1]
      Rolprentmusiek [1]
      Rolspelers [1]
      Rolvervulling/rolverdeling [1]
      Roman [2]
      Roman law [1]
      romance [1]
      romans [1]
      Romantic relationship [1]
      Romanticism [4]
      Romola(1863) [1]
      Ronelda S. Kamfer [1]
      Roodkapje en de zeven geitjes [1]
      Rooi Rose [1]
      Rosemarie Marriott [1]
      Rou [1]
      Rouprogramme [1]
      Rouproses [1]
      RSG [1]
      Rubrics [1]
      Ruburiki tsa ho tshwaya [1]
      Rugby [1]
      Rugby players [2]
      Rugbyspelers [1]
      Rugbywedstryd [1]
      Ruimte [3]
      Ruimte & Plek [1]
      Ruimte en plek [1]
      Ruimtelike beplanning [1]
      Rule of Law [2]
      Rule-based [1]
      Rulings [1]
      Rundu [1]
      Rupert, Rona. Woorde is soos wors [1]
      Rural [6]
      rural [2]
      Rural - Farm schools [1]
      Rural area [7]
      Rural areas [4]
      Rural community [2]
      Rural development [3]
      rural development [1]
      Rural dwellings [1]
      rural households [1]
      Rural South Africa [1]
      rural women [1]
      rural youth [1]
      Rustenburg district [1]
      Ruth Ozeki [1]
      S-COPE [1]
      Saartjie [1]
      Saartjie Baartman [1]
      SABC [3]
      SABC TV [1]
      SABC1 [1]
      Saccadic amplitude [1]
      SACOMM [1]
      SACP [1]
      Sacred [1]
      SADC region [1]
      SAE [1]
      SAfE [1]
      Safe internet use [1]
      Safe spaces [1]
      Safety [1]
      Safety communication [1]
      Safety information need [1]
      sal [1]
      sales [1]
      Sales-Oriente [1]
      Saligmakingsbeheptheid (resp. ‘bekeringsbeheptheid’) [1]
      Salutogenesis [3]
      Salutogenic approach [1]
      Salutogenic perspective [1]
      Salvationist [1]
      Same-Language Subtitles (SLS) [1]
      Same-sex experiences [1]
      Samestelling [1]
      Samewerkende regering [1]
      Sampling [1]
      Samuel Beckett [1]
      San (African people) [1]
      San music [1]
      Sand play [1]
      Sand tray play therapy [1]
      Sandspel [1]
      Sanitasie [1]
      Sanitation [2]
      Santa Gamka [1]
      Santu Mofokeng [1]
      SAPS Ikageng [1]
      SAPS/South Africa Police Service [1]
      SAPS/South African Police Service [1]
      Sarafina! [1]
      Sarcasm [1]
      Sarie [1]
      Sartre, Jean-Paul, 1905-1980 [1]
      Sassoferrato [1]
      Satellite office [1]
      Satire [4]
      Satisfaction [1]
      Satisfaction with life [6]
      SAUK [2]
      Saulspoort [1]
      Saxoferrato [1]
      Scaffolded learning [1]
      Scaffolding relationships [1]
      Scale development [1]
      Scale validation [1]
      Scenic zones [1]
      Schema theory [2]
      Schemata [1]
      Schematisation [1]
      Scheme theory [1]
      Schmidt [1]
      Schoenberg [1]
      Scholastic achievement [1]
      School [1]
      School climate [1]
      School communities [5]
      School community [2]
      School culture [2]
      School ecology [1]
      School garden projects [1]
      School principals [1]
      School psychologist [1]
      School readiness [1]
      School reintegration [1]
      School social work [1]
      School well-being [1]
      Schools [1]
      Schools for the Deaf [1]
      Schools of industry [1]
      schools of skills [1]
      Schreiner, Olive [1]
      Schwartz‟s Value Systems Theory [1]
      Science [2]
      science [1]
      science as ontic expression [1]
      science fiction [1]
      Scientific legitimacy [1]
      Scientific method [1]
      Scientific nature of law [1]
      Scientific racism [1]
      Scoping review [1]
      Scorched-earth policy [1]
      Scorecard design [1]
      Scoring validity [1]
      screen translation [1]
      Screening process [1]
      Scriabin [1]
      Script [1]
      Script development model [1]
      Script refills [1]
      Scriptotherapy [2]
      Scripts [2]
      Scriptwriting [1]
      Scrivener se Model [1]
      Scrivener's model [1]
      Seasonal unemployment [1]
      Sebokeng [1]
      Seboni Creativity Centre [1]
      Secession [2]
      Second Anglo-Boer War [1]
      Second Dialect Acquisition (SDA) [1]
      Second image reversed [1]
      Second Language [2]
      Second language [1]
      Second language (L2) [1]
      Second language acquisition [1]
      second language acquisition (SLA) [1]
      Second Language Learning [1]
      Second language learning [3]
      Second language pronunciation [1]
      Second language student writing [1]
      Second language teaching and learning [1]
      Second language writing [1]
      Second marriages [1]
      Secondary education [2]
      Secondary educators [1]
      Secondary learners [1]
      Secondary orality [1]
      Secondary prevention [2]
      Secondary school [3]
      Secondary school communities [1]
      Secondary traumatisation [1]
      Secretary [1]
      Section 10 of the Children's Act, act 38 of 2005 [1]
      Section 9(3) [1]
      Secularisation [1]
      Securitisation of migration [1]
      Securitisation of SA migration protocols [1]
      Securitisation theory [1]
      Security [4]
      Security State [1]
      Security studies [2]
      Sedibeng District Municipality [1]
      Sedibeng District Municipality (SDM) [1]
      Sedibeng Water [1]
      SEESA [1]
      sefoka [1]
      Segmental [1]
      Segmental and suprasegmental aspects of sound [1]
      segmentation [1]
      Segregasie [1]
      Segregation [3]
      Seismic events [1]
      Seisoenale werkloosheid [1]
      Sekondêre leerders [1]
      Sekondêre opvoeders [1]
      Sekondêre opvoeding [1]
      Sekondêre oraliteit [1]
      Sekondêre traumatisering [1]
      Sekondêre voorkoming [1]
      Seksueel misbruik [1]
      Seksueel misbruikte kind [2]
      Seksueel misbruikte kinders [1]
      seksuele kindermishandeling [1]
      Seksuele misbruik [18]
      seksuele misbruik [1]
      Seksuele misbruik sake [1]
      Seksuele misbruik van kinders [3]
      Seksuele misbruik van ‘n kind [1]
      Seksuele misdade [1]
      Seksuele mishandeling [1]
      Seksuele mishandeling van kinders [2]
      Seksuele molestering [1]
      Seksuele oortredings [1]
      Selected chronic conditions [1]
      selected socio-economic [1]
      Selection [1]
      Selection of character [1]
      Self [5]
      Self control [1]
      Self Determination Theory [1]
      Self interactional group theory [1]
      Self-actualization [1]
      self-ander-verhouding [1]
      Self-authorship [1]
      Self-belief [2]
      Self-besering [1]
      Self-care [1]
      Self-compassion [1]
      Self-concept [3]
      Self-confidence [1]
      Self-configuration [3]
      Self-connected pianism [1]
      Self-controlled Technology [1]
      Self-determination [2]
      Self-determination theory [5]
      self-determination theory [1]
      Self-directed [1]
      Self-directed learning [1]
      Self-disclosure [1]
      Self-effektiwiteit [1]
      Self-efficacy [8]
      Self-esteem [3]
      self-esteem [1]
      Self-esteem in adolescence [1]
      Self-expression [2]
      Self-forgiveness [1]
      Self-help [3]
      Self-injury [1]
      Self-intergenerasiegroepsteorie (SIGT) [1]
      Self-Intergenerational Group Theory (SIGT) [1]
      Self-kindness [1]
      Self-listening [1]
      Self-management [1]
      Self-management behaviour [1]
      Self-narrative [1]
      Self-neglect [1]
      Self-objectification [2]
      Self-perceived employability [1]
      Self-perception [3]
      Self-reflection [1]
      Self-regulasie [1]
      Self-regulated [1]
      Self-regulation [12]
      Self-regulation program [1]
      Self-regulering [2]
      Self-report response [1]
      Self-similar [1]
      Self-strengths [1]
      Self-support [1]
      Self-vriendelikheid [1]
      Selfbeskikking teorie [1]
      Selfdeernis [1]
      Selfdeterminering [1]
      Selfdoeltreffendheid [2]
      Selfgerig [1]
      Selfmoord [2]
      Selfmoordgedrag [1]
      Selfmoordpoging [1]
      Selfmoordpoging/poging tot selfmoord [1]
      Selfnarratief [1]
      Selfobjektivering [1]
      Selfondersteuning [1]
      Selfone [1]
      Selfoon [1]
      Selfregulerend [1]
      Selfregulering [3]
      Selfstandige leer [1]
      Selfvergifnis [1]
      Selfwerksaamheid [1]
      Semantic analysis [1]
      Semantic categories [1]
      Semantic Maps [1]
      Semantic maps [1]
      Semantic values [1]
      Semantics [1]
      semantiek [1]
      Semantiese ontleding [1]
      Semi-structured interviews [1]
      Semiotic approach [1]
      Semiotics [9]
      Semiotiek [2]
      senior communication practitioners [1]
      Senior Management Service [1]
      Senior manager [1]
      Senior managers [2]
      senior public management service [1]
      Sensasionalisme [1]
      Sensation [1]
      Sensationalism [1]
      Sense [1]
      Sense of belonging [2]
      Sense of Coherence [1]
      Sense of coherence [6]
      Sense of community [1]
      Sense of place [1]
      Sense of purpose [1]
      Sense of self [4]
      senses [1]
      Sensories-motoriese spel [1]
      Sensoriese integrasie [1]
      sensoriese prosesserings-disfunksie (SPD) [1]
      Sensory [1]
      Sensory integration [1]
      sensory motor subsystems [1]
      sensory processing disorder (SPD) [1]
      Sensory-motor play [1]
      Sensuality [1]
      sensuur [1]
      Sentence [1]
      Sentence recognition [1]
      Sentences [1]
      Senwes [2]
      Senwes Head Office [1]
      Senwes Hoofkantoor [1]
      Separation Anxiety [2]
      Separatist [1]
      Serenade [1]
      Service Centre for Older Persons [1]
      Service Centre for the Aged [1]
      Service Delivery [1]
      Service delivery [12]
      service delivery [3]
      service delivery challenges [1]
      Service delivery improvement plan [1]
      Service delivery protest [1]
      Service organisations [1]
      service orientation (service quality) [1]
      Service profit chain [1]
      Service provider [1]
      Service quality [1]
      Service workers [1]
      Service-learning [1]
      Services [1]
      Sesotho home language [1]
      Sesotho puo ya lapeng (PL) [1]
      Setswana [7]
      Setswana grammar [1]
      Setswana literature [1]
      Setswana morphology [1]
      Setswana Poetry [1]
      Setswana poetry [1]
      Settlement [1]
      Settler [1]
      Seuns [1]
      severe intellectual challenge [1]
      Sewentigers [1]
      Sex [4]
      Sex differences [2]
      Sexual Abuse [2]
      Sexual abuse [34]
      Sexual abuse and social worker [1]
      Sexual abuse cases [1]
      Sexual abuse disclosure [1]
      Sexual abused child [1]
      sexual abuser [1]
      Sexual activity [1]
      Sexual behaviour [1]
      Sexual behaviours [1]
      Sexual bullying [1]
      Sexual decision making [1]
      Sexual harassment [1]
      sexual identities [1]
      Sexual identity [1]
      Sexual offences [2]
      sexual offences [1]
      Sexual Orientation [1]
      Sexual preference [1]
      Sexual trauma [1]
      Sexuality [7]
      Sexuality education [1]
      Sexuality values and attitudes [1]
      Sexually abused child [2]
      Sexually abused children [2]
      Sexually Transmitted Diseases [1]
      Sexualy transmitted diseases [1]
      Sêr [1]
      sf [1]
      Shadow [2]
      Shadow education [1]
      Shaka [1]
      Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616 [1]
      Shakespearean tragedy [1]
      Shame [1]
      Shamwari Conservation Experience (SCE) [1]
      Shared cognition [1]
      Shared experiences and phenomenology [1]
      Sharpeville [1]
      Sheila Cussons [1]
      Shell Petroleum Development Company Ltd [1]
      Shift theory [1]
      shipwrecks [1]
      SHIP® [1]
      Shirley [1]
      Shirley (1849) [1]
      Short novel [1]
      Short story [1]
      Short-term diachronic comparable corpus linguistics [1]
      Short-term Foster Care [1]
      Sibbe [1]
      Sibilants [1]
      Siblings [1]
      Sicko [1]
      Siegfried [1]
      Sielkunde Sosiale dinamika [1]
      Sielkundige [1]
      sielkundige welstand [1]
      Sielkundiges [1]
      Siggestremdheid [1]
      Sign systems [1]
      Significant adults [1]
      Signs [1]
      Sikwane L Z [1]
      Silence [1]
      Silent film [1]
      Simboliek [2]
      Simbolisme [1]
      Simfonieorkes [1]
      Similarities [1]
      Simmetriese tweerigtingkommunikasie [1]
      Simplekse passings [1]
      Simplex mapping [1]
      Simulacrum [2]
      Simulakrum [1]
      Simulasie [1]
      Simulation [1]
      Simultaantolking [1]
      Simultane tolking [1]
      Simultaneous interpreting [2]
      Sin van samehorigheid [1]
      Sin vir self [1]
      Sincerity [1]
      Singing [2]
      Single Case Study [1]
      Single case study [1]
      Single Parenting [1]
      single parenting [1]
      Single-parent families [1]
      Sinodebesluite [1]
      Sino–South African relationship [1]
      Sintaktiese herrangskikking [1]
      sintuie [1]
      sisteembenadering [1]
      Sisteemteorie [4]
      Sisteme [1]
      Sistiese fibrose [1]
      SiSwati [1]
      Site_Specific International Land Art Biennale (2011) [1]
      Situational leadership and conceptual framework [2]
      Six Bricks [1]
      Six resilience protective processes [1]
      SJGD [2]
      Skadu [1]
      Skakelkunde [1]
      Skakelpraktisyn [1]
      Skakelwerk [1]
      Skande [1]
      Skanskop Island irrigation scheme [1]
      Skanskopeilandbesproeiingskema [1]
      Skei/e [1]
      Skeidingsangs [1]
      Skelm [1]
      Skeppende kunste [1]
      Skeppings-, sondeval- en verlossingsmotief [1]
      skermvertaling [1]
      Skilled technicians [1]
      Skills [5]
      Skills and training needs [1]
      Skills development [2]
      skills development [1]
      skills development and public leadership training [1]
      Skills mismatch [1]
      Skills profile [1]
      Skipbreukeling [1]
      Skole vir Dowes [1]
      Skole wat gesondheid bevorder [1]
      Skool [1]
      Skool maatskaplike werker [1]
      Skoolgemeenskap [1]
      Skoolgemeenskappe [1]
      Skoolgereedheid [1]
      Skoolkultuur [1]
      Skoolwelstand [1]
      Skoonheid (2011) [1]
      Skripte [1]
      Skriptoterapie [1]
      Skryf [1]
      Skryfkuns [3]
      Skryfwerk [1]
      Skuldigbevinding [2]
      Slavery [2]
      Sleep deprivation [1]
      Sleutelwoorde: Republikein [1]
      Small [1]
      Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) [1]
      Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) [1]
      Small and Medium-Micro Enterprises [1]
      Small business [1]
      Small business enterprise [1]
      Small business-South Africa-North-West [1]
      Small entity [1]
      Small sized businesses [1]
      Small sized pharmacies [1]
      Small sized retailers [1]
      Smart cities [1]
      Smart city readiness [1]
      SMME [1]
      SMMEs [1]
      Smoking [1]
      SMS (Short Message Service) [1]
      Smuts-regering [1]
      Sneaker and perspective [1]
      Sneejouwitjie en die sewe drelle [1]
      Sneeuwitje en de zeven krakers [1]
      Sneeuwitjie [1]
      Snuff [1]
      SOC [1]
      Soccer clubs and rugby at South African universities [1]
      Social [3]
      social and cultural mediator [1]
      social and economic diplomacy [1]
      Social awareness and identity [1]
      Social capital [2]
      Social capital theory [1]
      Social change [2]
      social change [1]
      Social climate [1]
      Social cognitive learning theory [1]
      Social cohesion [3]
      Social commentary [1]
      Social competence [1]
      Social conditions [1]
      Social conflict [2]
      Social constructionism [3]
      social constructionism [1]
      Social constructivism [6]
      social constructivism and realism [1]
      Social context [1]
      Social contexts [1]
      Social contract [1]
      Social contract faultline [1]
      Social contract theory [2]
      Social convoy theory [1]
      Social criticism [1]
      Social demographics [1]
      Social development [2]
      Social dynamics [1]
      Social ecological conceptualisation of resilience [1]
      Social ecologies [1]
      Social ecology [1]
      Social embeddedness [1]
      Social engineering [1]
      Social expenences [1]
      Social factors contributing to heart disease [1]
      Social gerontology [1]
      Social Grants [1]
      Social grants [1]
      Social group work [6]
      Social group-work [1]
      Social identity [2]
      Social impact [1]
      social impact [1]
      Social integration [1]
      Social interaction [2]
      Social involvement programmes [1]
      Social isolation [1]
      Social Justice [1]
      Social justice [1]
      Social licence to operate [1]
      Social losses [1]
      Social marketing [1]
      Social media [11]
      social media [1]
      Social media action plan [1]
      Social media audience [1]
      Social media community [1]
      Social media guidelines [2]
      Social media marketing [1]
      Social media networking [1]
      Social media strategy [2]
      social movements [1]
      Social networkin g sites [1]
      Social Networking [1]
      Social networking [1]
      Social networks [4]
      Social niche [1]
      Social partnerships [1]
      Social Policy [1]
      Social Protection [1]
      Social protection [1]
      Social protective/risk factors [1]
      Social responsibility [4]
      social responsibility [1]
      Social self-efficacy [1]
      Social skills [1]
      Social support [10]
      Social support model [1]
      Social support networks [1]
      Social transformation [2]
      social transformation [1]
      Social value [1]
      Social vulnerability [2]
      Social well-being [1]
      Social work [22]
      Social work and specialist field [1]
      Social work empowerment programme [1]
      Social work intervention [1]
      Social work investigation [1]
      Social work model [1]
      Social work programmes [1]
      Social work students [1]
      Social work theories [1]
      Social work/er [1]
      Social worker [11]
      Social worker/s [1]
      Social workers [8]
      Social workers knowledge base [1]
      Social-constructivism [1]
      Social/human environment [1]
      Socialisation [2]
      Socialising [1]
      Socialism [2]
      Socially constructed meanings [1]
      Socially responsible investing [1]
      Society [2]
      society [1]
      Socio-affective [1]
      Socio-cultural protest [1]
      Socio-demographic characteristics [1]
      Socio-economic [2]
      Socio-economic circumstances [1]
      Socio-economic Development [1]
      Socio-economic development [1]
      socio-economic development [1]
      Socio-economic impacts [1]
      Socio-economic problems [2]
      Socio-economic status [2]
      sociocultural communication [1]
      Sociocultural influences [1]
      Socioeconomic and Environmental Factors [1]
      Socioeconomic development [1]
      Sociolingistics [1]
      Sociolinguistics [4]
      Sociological aspects [1]
      Sociology [5]
      Sociophonetics [2]
      SOCMINT [1]
      SOCPEN [1]
      soefisme [1]
      Softening (brei; brey) hides [1]
      Solo performance [1]
      Solo-optrede [1]
      Solo-uitvoering [1]
      Solomon Mutswairo [1]
      Somatic anxiety [1]
      Son [1]
      Sonata for obie and piano (1947) [1]
      Song text [1]
      Songs of struggle [1]
      Sonnets [1]
      Sophie [1]
      Sosiaal-kognitiewe leerteorie [1]
      Sosiale gegrondheid [1]
      Sosiale integrasie [1]
      Sosiale interaksie [1]
      Sosiale kapitaal [1]
      Sosiale konteks [1]
      Sosiale media [5]
      Sosiale media aksieplan [1]
      Sosiale media bemarking [1]
      Sosiale media riglyne [1]
      Sosiale media strategie [1]
      Sosiale netwerke [3]
      Sosiale ondersteuning [2]
      Sosiale ontwikkeling [1]
      Sosiale self-effektiwiteit [1]
      Sosiale verantwoordelike investering [1]
      Sosiale waarde [1]
      Sosiale-konvooi-teorie [1]
      Sosio-ekonomiese probleme [1]
      Sosiodemografiese eienskappe [1]
      sosiologie van vertaling [1]
      sou [1]
      Sound [1]
      Sound stimulation [2]
      Source [2]
      Sources of conflict [1]
      South Africa [59]
      South Africa 1652-1901 [1]
      South Africa and xenophobia (Afrophobia) [1]
      South Africa Judicial system [1]
      South Africa-Mafikeng [1]
      South Africa-Potchefstroom [1]
      South African [2]
      South African Airways [1]
      South African bank [1]
      South African Broadcasting Corporation (SABC) [1]
      South African composers [1]
      South African Constitution [2]
      South African construction industry [1]
      South African context [4]
      South African drama [1]
      South African Education [1]
      South African education [1]
      South African education system [1]
      South African electoral system [1]
      South African English [5]
      South African English (SAfE) [1]
      South African families [1]
      South African food [1]
      South African genealogy [1]
      South African identity [1]
      South African jazz [1]
      South African literature [2]
      South African media [1]
      South African mining industry [1]
      South African municipalities [1]
      South African opera [1]
      South African Party [1]
      South African piano music [2]
      South African Police Service [11]
      South African Police Service (SAPS) [7]
      South African political parties [1]
      South African politics [3]
      South African postcolonial fiction [1]
      South African PR practice [1]
      South African protest music [1]
      South African public sector financial governance structures [1]
      South African Republic [1]
      South African rugby [1]
      South African Schools Choral Eisteddfod [1]
      South African slavery [1]
      South African social grant system [1]
      South African Social Security Agency [1]
      South African universities [1]
      South African University [1]
      South African War [3]
      South Africans [1]
      South Asia [1]
      South Sudan [1]
      South-Africa [11]
      South-African Police Service (SAPS) [1]
      South-South cooperation [1]
      South/Africa [1]
      Southern [1]
      Southern Africa [1]
      Southern African Development Community [2]
      Southern African Development Community. [1]
      Southern African environments [1]
      Southern Hemisphere Englishes [2]
      Southern shift [1]
      Sovereign independence [1]
      Sovereignty [1]
      Space [9]
      Space & Place [1]
      Space and identity [1]
      Space and Place [1]
      Space and place [1]
      Space and spatial dynamics [1]
      Space in (installation) art [1]
      Space policy [1]
      Space/place [1]
      Spatial configuration [1]
      Spatial metaphors [1]
      Spatial planning [1]
      Spatiality [1]
      SPDC [1]
      special education [1]
      Specialised field [1]
      Specification [1]
      spectator theory [1]
      speech act theory [1]
      Speech acts [1]
      Speel [1]
      Spel [1]
      Spelgebaseerde aktiwiteite [1]
      Spelling [1]
      Spelterapie [3]
      spesiale onderwys [1]
      Spesialisgebied [1]
      speurromans [1]
      Spheres of Government [1]
      Spinal cord [1]
      Spinal cord injured person (SCIP) [1]
      Spinal cord injured persons' partner (SCIPP) [1]
      Spinal cord injury [1]
      Spinal cord injury (SCI) [1]
      Spinal cord rehabilitation [1]
      Spinto tenor [1]
      Spiritual well-being [2]
      Spiritualiteit [4]
      spiritualiteit [1]
      Spirituality [7]
      Spirituele welstand [1]
      Spoelwerk [1]
      Spoke [1]
      Spokery [1]
      Sponsorship [1]
      Spontaneous healing [1]
      Spookkarakters [1]
      Spookstories [1]
      Sport [2]
      Sport development programme [1]
      Sport participants [1]
      Sport participation [2]
      Sport psychological skills [1]
      Sportdeelname [1]
      Sports [1]
      Sports journalism [1]
      Sports psychology [1]
      Spraakverlies [1]
      Sprakeloos [1]
      Springboks [1]
      Sproke [1]
      sprokie [1]
      sprokienavorsing [1]
      Sprokies [1]
      sprokieteorie [1]
      SRCS [1]
      SSA [1]
      SSRQ [1]
      Sstrategic social networking [1]
      Staatsbiblioteek [1]
      Stability [1]
      stable life [1]
      Stage [2]
      Stakeholder engagement [2]
      stakeholder engagement [1]
      Stakeholder involvement [1]
      Stakeholder management [6]
      stakeholder management [1]
      Stakeholder organisations [1]
      Stakeholder relations [2]
      Stakeholder Relationship Management [1]
      Stakeholder relationship management [5]
      Stakeholder relationships [1]
      Stakeholder theory [1]
      Stakeholders [6]
      stakeholders [2]
      Stalinism [1]
      Stamhoofde [1]
      Stamowerheid [1]
      Standaardafrikaans [2]
      Standaardisering [1]
      Standard Afrikaans [4]
      Standard Bank [1]
      Standard Dutch [1]
      Standard English [1]
      Standard language [1]
      Standard time [1]
      Standard variety [1]
      Standard(s) [1]
      Standardisation [3]
      standardisation [1]
      Standardization [1]
      Standards [1]
      State [5]
      State anxiety [1]
      State Capacity [1]
      state capture [1]
      State dysfunction [2]
      State failure [1]
      State funding [1]
      State institutions [1]
      State library [1]
      State security [1]
      State Security Agency [1]
      State-owned enterprise [1]
      State-owned enterprises [2]
      State-owned entities [1]
      State-owned entity (SOE) [1]
      State-society relations [1]
      Statistical machine translation [2]
      Statistical significance testing [1]
      Statistiese masjienvertaling [2]
      Stative predicates [1]
      Stative verbs [1]
      Stats SA [1]
      status quo [1]
      Statutêre maatskaplike werk [1]
      Statutêre sorg [1]
      Statutory care [1]
      Statutory compliance [1]
      Statutory financial reporting practices [1]
      Statutory social work [1]
      Statutory social worker [1]
      stedelike [1]
      Stedelike Suid-Afrika [1]
      Steenberg, Elsabe. Boom, bomer, boomste [1]
      Stel, Willem Adriaan van der, 1664-1733 [1]
      Stellenbosch Local Municipality [1]
      Stelselbenadering [1]
      Stelselteorie [1]
      Stemming [1]
      Stemmingsmusiek [1]
      stemreg [1]
      Stepfamilies [1]
      Stephen Donaldson [1]
      Stereotipes [1]
      Stereotipiese uitbeelding [1]
      Stereotypes [1]
      Stereotypical portrayal [1]
      Sterflikheid [1]
      Sterktebenadering [1]
      Sterkteperspektief [1]
      Sterktes [1]
      Steve Larson [2]
      Steven Cohen [2]
      stigma [1]
      Stigmatisation [1]
      Stigmatisering [1]
      Stilte [1]
      Stimulation programmes [1]
      Storie [1]
      Storielyn [1]
      Stories [1]
      Storievertelling [1]
      Stormjaers [1]
      Story [1]
      Storyline [1]
      Storytelling [2]
      Storyworlds (across media) [1]
      Straatkinders [1]
      Strateeg [1]
      Strategic alignment [1]
      Strategic alliances [1]
      Strategic communication [3]
      Strategic communication management [6]
      strategic communication management [1]
      Strategic communication management theory [1]
      Strategic conservation communication [1]
      Strategic CSR [1]
      Strategic environmental assessment (SEA) [1]
      Strategic framework [2]
      Strategic human resources management [1]
      Strategic instrument [1]
      Strategic integrated communication [1]
      strategic integrated communication (SIC) [1]
      Strategic management [1]
      Strategic orientation [1]
      Strategic Partnership [1]
      Strategic partnerships [1]
      Strategies [3]
      Strategiese Bestuur [1]
      Strategiese kommunikasie [1]
      Strategiese kommunikasiebestuur [5]
      strategiese kommunikasiebestuur [1]
      Strategiese sosiale netwerke [1]
      Strategist [1]
      strategist [1]
      Strategy [3]
      Strategy and leadership [1]
      Streeksgeskiedenis [1]
      Street Children [1]
      Street children [3]
      Street food vending [1]
      stremmende faktore van lewenskwaliteit [1]
      Strength perspective [2]
      Strength-based activities [1]
      Strengthening the self [1]
      Strengths [2]
      Strengths approach [1]
      Strengths perspective [1]
      Stres [3]
      Stress [16]
      stress [1]
      Stress assignment [1]
      Stress management [1]
      Stress rules [1]
      Strop/pe [1]
      Structural elements [1]
      Structural equation model [1]
      Structural resistance [1]
      Structuralism [3]
      Structure [1]
      Structure elements [1]
      Structured play therapy [1]
      Struggles for recognition [1]
      Struikelblok [1]
      Struktuur [1]
      Struktuurelemente [1]
      Student attitudes [1]
      Student characteristics [1]
      Student diaries [1]
      Student journals [1]
      Student pianist [1]
      Student RAG Community Service [1]
      Student Rag Community Service (SRCS) [2]
      student recruitment [1]
      Student Representative Council (SRC) [1]
      Student success [3]
      Student writing [1]
      Student(s) [1]
      Studente [3]
      Studente - Psigologie [2]
      Studente Jool Gemeenskapsdiens (SJGD) [2]
      Studenteaanpassing [1]
      Studentebewegings [1]
      Studentesukses [1]
      Students [8]
      Students - Psychology [2]
      Students’ perceptions [1]
      Studie en onderrig [1]
      Studiegewoontes en -houdings [1]
      Study guide [1]
      Study habits and attitude [1]
      Style [1]
      Sub judice rule [1]
      Sub-cultural language [2]
      Sub-cultural linguistic vitality measuring instrument [1]
      Sub-Saharan Africa [1]
      Subclinical eating disorder [1]
      Subclinical eating disorders [1]
      Subject philosophy [1]
      Subject specific [1]
      Subjective experience [1]
      Subjective experiences [1]
      Subjective health perceptions [1]
      Subjective perceptions [1]
      Subjective well-being [3]
      Subjectivism [1]
      subjectivism [1]
      Subjectivity [1]
      Subjektiewe ervaring [1]
      Subjektiewe persepsies [1]
      Subjektiewe welstand [2]
      Subkliniese eetversteurings [1]
      Sublieme [1]
      Sublime [1]
      Subordinaat [1]
      Subordinate [1]
      Subsidiarity principle [1]
      Substance [1]
      Substance abuse [2]
      Substance dependency [2]
      Substitute care [1]
      Subtitler training [1]
      Subtitles [1]
      Subtitles, [1]
      Subtitling [4]
      subtitling [1]
      Sudan [3]
      Sudan-Politics and government-1985- [1]
      Sudanese [1]
      Suffering [1]
      Suggestions for language editing [1]
      Suicidal behaviour [2]
      Suicidal ideation [1]
      Suicide [3]
      Suicide attempt [1]
      Suicide attempt/attempted suicide [1]
      Suid Afrikaans Polisie Diens [1]
      Suid- Afrikaanse konteks [1]
      Suid-Afrika [27]
      Suid-Afrika se beleid vir hoër onderwys [1]
      Suid-Afrikaanse grondwet [1]
      Suid-Afrikaanse kiesstelsel [1]
      Suid-Afrikaanse klaviermusiek [1]
      Suid-Afrikaanse media [1]
      Suid-Afrikaanse munisipaliteite [1]
      Suid-Afrikaanse Polisiediens [1]
      Suid-Afrikaanse politiek [1]
      Suid-Afrikaanse protesmusiek [1]
      Suid-Afrikaanse regsstelsel [1]
      Suid-Afrikaanse vokale musiek [1]
      Suider-Afrika [1]
      Suite [1]
      Summarising [1]
      Summary map [1]
      Sunday Sun [1]
      Sunday World [1]
      Superdiversity [2]
      Supernatural [1]
      Supernaturalism [1]
      Superordinaat [1]
      Superordinate [1]
      Supervisie [2]
      Supervision [2]
      Supervisor [1]
      Supervisor behaviour [1]
      Supervisor support [1]
      Supplementary education [1]
      Supplementary instruction [1]
      Supply Chain Management [1]
      Support [12]
      Support branches [1]
      Support function of supervision [1]
      Support group [1]
      Support staff [1]
      Support strategy [1]
      Support systems [1]
      Supportive needs [1]
      Supportive treatment [1]
      Supports services [1]
      Surface acting [1]
      surrealism [1]
      Surveillance [2]
      Survival [1]
      Survival Analysis [1]
      Survival analysis [1]
      Survivors [1]
      survivors [1]
      Suspect [1]
      Sustainability [7]
      sustainability [3]
      Sustainability development reporting [1]
      sustainable agriculture [1]
      sustainable change [1]
      Sustainable development [8]
      sustainable development [2]
      Sustainable development goals [1]
      Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) [1]
      Sustainable development goals (SDGs) [1]
      Sustainable economics [1]
      Sustainable employability [1]
      Sustainable upliftment [1]
      Swangerskap [2]
      Swart kultuur [1]
      Swart onderwysers [1]
      Swartafrikaans [1]
      Swartes - Beroepsopleiding [1]
      Swartes - Onderwys [1]
      Swazi adolescents [1]
      Swingers [1]
      Swinging [1]
      Sycamore Tree Project (STP) [1]
      Sydney Field [1]
      Syllable structure [1]
      Syllabus [2]
      Syllabus Design [1]
      Syllabus-design [2]
      Symbolic corporate identity [1]
      Symbolic Interactionism [2]
      Symbolic interactionism [1]
      Symbolism [4]
      Symmetric two-way communication [1]
      Symmetrical two-way communication [1]
      Symphonic orchestra [1]
      Synod decisions [1]
      Syntactic development [1]
      Syntactic reordering [1]
      Syntactical analysis [1]
      Syntax [2]
      Synthesis [1]
      Syrinx [1]
      System analysis [1]
      Systemic functional grammar [1]
      Systemic Functional Linguistics [1]
      Systemic-developmental model [1]
      Systems [2]
      Systems and processes [1]
      Systems Approach [1]
      Systems approach [1]
      Systems theory [11]
      systems theory [1]
      T-unit [1]
      T. S. Eliot [1]
      T.S. Eliot [2]
      T.T. Cloete [1]
      Taakskap [1]
      Taal [1]
      Taal alkulturasie [1]
      Taalfunksies [1]
      taalhoudings en persepsies [1]
      Taalidentiteit [1]
      Taalkontak [1]
      taalkontak [1]
      Taalkunde [1]
      Taalnorme [1]
      Taalpraktisyn [1]
      Taalregister [1]
      taalregte [1]
      taalrepertoire en identiteit [1]
      Taaluniekheid [1]
      Taalverandering [1]
      taalverwerwing [1]
      Tabloid journalism [1]
      Tabloidisation [2]
      Tabloids [2]
      Taboo [1]
      Tacit and explicit knowledge [1]
      Takeholder relationship management [1]
      Taksidermie [1]
      Taksonomie [1]
      Talent [1]
      Talent acquisition [1]
      Talent attraction [1]
      Talent festival [1]
      Talent Management [2]
      Talent management [2]
      Talented students [1]
      Talentfees [1]
      Tanning [1]
      Taoism [1]
      Taoto [1]
      Target audience [1]
      Tasbare erfenis [1]
      Task-based syllabus [1]
      Task-based Syllabus Design [1]
      Tasks [1]
      Taskscape [1]
      Taung [1]
      Taxidermy [1]
      Taxonomy [1]
      Teacher [2]
      teacher [1]
      Teacher and learner convictions [1]
      Teacher development [1]
      Teacher development strategies [1]
      Teacher identity [2]
      Teacher morale [1]
      Teacher roles [1]
      Teacher stress [1]
      Teacher Stress Inventory (TSI) [2]
      Teacher students [1]
      Teacher Training [1]
      Teacher-learner relationship [2]
      Teachers [2]
      Teaching [3]
      Teaching activities [1]
      Teaching aids [1]
      Teaching and Learning [1]
      Teaching and Learning (T&L) as communication. [1]
      Teaching approach [1]
      teaching materials [1]
      Teaching method [1]
      Teaching methods [1]
      Teaching strategies [1]
      Team adaptability and decision-making [1]
      Team building [1]
      Team cohesion [1]
      Team leadership [1]
      Team teaching [1]
      Teams [1]
      Technical Action Research [1]
      Technical aspects [1]
      Technical mining positions [1]
      Technical Vocational Education [1]
      Technician [1]
      technician [1]
      Technikon education [1]
      Techno-scientific rationality [1]
      Technological acceptance model [1]
      Technological society [1]
      Technology [4]
      Technology Acceptance Model [1]
      Technology multimedia [1]
      Technology recycling [2]
      Technology-enhanced learning [1]
      Technology-enhanced. [1]
      Technostress [1]
      Teen pregnancy [1]
      Teenage girl/teenage boy [1]
      Teenage mothers [1]
      Teenage pregnancy [2]
      Tegnikus [1]
      Tegnologie [2]
      Tegnologieherwinning [1]
      Tekanyetso [1]
      Teks [1]
      Tekskritiek [1]
      Teksredigering [1]
      Tekstuele wêreld(e) [1]
      Telematic [1]
      Teleology [1]
      Televisie [1]
      televisie [1]
      Television [1]
      television [1]
      Television adaptation [1]
      Television series [1]
      Temperament [1]
      Temporal expression [1]
      Temporal reference [1]
      Temporary safe care [1]
      Temporele beskrywing [1]
      Tempus [2]
      tendense [1]
      Tenofovir [1]
      Tense [2]
      teologie [1]
      Teologiese antropologie [1]
      Teoretiese benaderings [1]
      Teorie van Beredeneerde Optrede (TBO) [1]
      Teorie van die self [1]
      Teorie van kennis [1]
      Teorie van Self-determinasie [1]
      Terapeutiese dienste [1]
      Terapeutiese effek [1]
      Terapeutiese intervensie [2]
      Terapeutiese medium [1]
      Terapeutiese proses [1]
      Terapeutiese verhouding [1]
      Teriantroop [1]
      Termination of pregnancy [1]
      Territoriality principle [1]
      Terry Pratchett [1]
      Tertiary education [3]
      Tertiary music education (subject Music Education) and the Net Generation [1]
      Tertullian [1]
      Tertullianus [1]
      TESOL [1]
      Test suite [1]
      Testing [1]
      Tevredenheid [1]
      Text [3]
      Text editing [1]
      Text editor/editing [1]
      Text internal corrective [1]
      Text linguistics [2]
      Text message [1]
      Text transformation [1]
      text types [1]
      Text-linguistics [1]
      Textbook [1]
      Textual accessibility [1]
      Textual actual worlds [1]
      Textual analysis [1]
      Textual criticism [1]
      Textuelle reale Welt(en) [1]
      Texture of evaluation [1]
      Thaïs [1]
      that-complementiser [1]
      The actual world [1]
      The Biographer’s Tale (2000) [1]
      The Black Tie Ensemble [1]
      The Book of Illusions [1]
      The Building Block Theory [1]
      The child [1]
      The complexities of the context within which HIV pre and post test counselling [1]
      the Department of Trade and Industry [1]
      The English Patient [1]
      The eudaimonic turn [1]
      The frame [1]
      The gift [1]
      The Good Soldier [1]
      The Grammatical Theory of Learning [1]
      The Household [1]
      The Island of the Day Before [1]
      The L2 self [1]
      The Little White Bird (1902) [1]
      The long silence of Mario Salviati [1]
      The Lord of the Rings [1]
      The Madonna of Excelsior [1]
      The Mandela Trilogy Opera [1]
      the mythical method [1]
      The New York Trilogy [1]
      The occult [1]
      The palimpsest [1]
      the psychology of belief [1]
      The Purple Shall Govern [1]
      The Return of the King [1]
      The sacred [1]
      The Self [1]
      The spiritual sublime [1]
      The state [1]
      The Story of an African Farm [1]
      The sublime [1]
      The Sympathizer [1]
      The Tenant of Wildfell Hall (1848) [1]
      The trade union Solidarity [1]
      The Uncanny Valley [1]
      The Waste Land [1]
      The world Englishes Enterprise [1]
      The writing process [1]
      Theatre [2]
      Theatre therapy [1]
      Theism [1]
      Thematic analysis [2]
      Thembu [1]
      Theme [2]
      theology [1]
      Theology‐based approach [1]
      Theoretical analysis [1]
      Theoretical approaches [1]
      theoretical inquiry [1]
      Theoretical writing insights [1]
      Theory [1]
      Theory and practice of language editing [1]
      Theory of knowledge [1]
      Theory of musical forces [1]
      Theory of play [1]
      Theory of poetry [1]
      Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA) [1]
      Theory of self [1]
      Therapeutic effect [1]
      Therapeutic intervention [1]
      Therapeutic medium [1]
      Therapeutic outcomes [1]
      Therapeutic process [1]
      Therapeutic relationship [2]
      Therapeutic services [1]
      Therapist [1]
      Theriantrope [1]
      Think-tank [1]
      Third delegation [1]
      Third space [1]
      Thobega [1]
      Thomas Stearns Eliot [1]
      Thongs (riems) [1]
      Thoughts [1]
      Threat [1]
      threat [1]
      Three-act structure [1]
      Three-dimensional power [1]
      Threnody stylistics [1]
      Thriving [1]
      Throat-strap (strop/s) [1]
      Thusong service centres [1]
      Tienerseuns [1]
      Tim Ingold [1]
      TIMBL [1]
      Time [3]
      Time and memory [1]
      Time in (installation) art [1]
      Time management [1]
      Time perspective [1]
      Time study [1]
      Time Use Survey [1]
      Timoteus [1]
      Timothy [1]
      Tipe verhoudings [1]
      Titfunti emkhatsini wetfu (The shadows between us) [1]
      Titus [1]
      Tlharamololo [1]
      tlhomagano ya bogosi [1]
      Tlokwe City Council [1]
      Tlokwe Local Municipality [1]
      to-infinitive marker [1]
      Toeganklikheid [1]
      Toerisme-blik [1]
      Toetsing [1]
      Toilet facilities [1]
      Toiletfasiliteite [1]
      Tokai-park [1]
      Tokenisation [1]
      Tolerance [2]
      Tolking [1]
      tolking, tolkopleiding [1]
      Tolkmodusse en -funksies [1]
      Toll road concessions [1]
      Tom Gouws [1]
      Tom Lanoye [2]
      Tom Spanbauer [1]
      Tomatis [1]
      Tomatis listening programme [1]
      Tomatis method [3]
      Tomatis metode [1]
      Tone [1]
      Toneel [1]
      Toorberg [1]
      top-500 maatskappye in Suid-Afrika [1]
      Top-down and bottom-up approach [1]
      Topular text [1]
      Torture [1]
      Total Quality Management [1]
      Total wellness [1]
      Totalitarian [2]
      Totalitarianism [1]
      Totem [1]
      Totemism [1]
      Totemisme [1]
      Tourism-South Africa-North-West [1]
      Touristic gaze [1]
      Township [1]
      township [1]
      Township establishment [1]
      Township theatre [1]
      Tractability [1]
      Tractatus [1]
      Trademark [1]
      Trademark dispute [1]
      Tradisionele Afrika kultuur [1]
      Tradition [2]
      Traditional African culture [1]
      Traditional authorities [1]
      Traditional food [1]
      traditional healers [1]
      traditional health legislation [1]
      Traditional leaders [1]
      Traditional Medicine [1]
      traditionalism [1]
      Tragedy [1]
      Training [2]
      Training and development [2]
      Training Colleges [1]
      Training data [1]
      Training programme [4]
      Training programmes [1]
      Trans-cultural curriculum [1]
      Trans-disciplinary history [1]
      Transaction [1]
      Transactional leadership [1]
      Transamerica [1]
      Transcendence [1]
      Transcendentalism [1]
      Transcultural processes [1]
      Transfer [2]
      Transformasie [3]
      transformasie [1]
      Transformation [9]
      transformation [1]
      Transformation procedures [1]
      Transformational leadership [1]
      Transformative and complex leadership [1]
      transformative legislation [1]
      Transformative paradigm [1]
      Transformative piano teaching [1]
      Transformerende paradigma [1]
      Transgressing (textual) boundaries [1]
      transhistoriese verskynsels [1]
      transimmanence [1]
      Transisie en maatskaplike werker [1]
      Transition [1]
      Transition and social worker [1]
      Transition experiences [1]
      transitional justice processes [1]
      Transitioning [1]
      Transkei [1]
      Translanguaging. [1]
      Translatability [1]
      Translation [5]
      Translation & culture [1]
      Translation and intertextuality [1]
      Translation categories [1]
      Translation competence [2]
      Translation difficulty [2]
      Translation expertise [1]
      Translation methods [2]
      Translation product [1]
      Translation strategies [3]
      Translation studies [2]
      Translation theory [3]
      Translation universals [1]
      Translation-induced language change [1]
      Translator profile [1]
      Translators' subjectivity [1]
      transmedia [1]
      Transmedial narratology [1]
      Transmigration [1]
      Transnasionalisme [1]
      Transnational [2]
      Transnational Activism [1]
      Transnational citizenship [1]
      Transnational history [1]
      Transnational social realm [1]
      Transnationalism [1]
      Transnationalism and trans nationality [1]
      Transparency [1]
      Transparency and accountability [1]
      Transport (riding) industry [1]
      Transport (ry) bedryf [1]
      Transport authority [1]
      Transport executive [1]
      Transport legislation [1]
      Transportation [1]
      Transposition [1]
      Transracial foster care [1]
      Transtextual detective [1]
      Transvaal [4]
      Transvaal (South Africa) [1]
      Transvaal (Suid-Afrika) [1]
      Transvaal Universiteit Kollege (TUK) [1]
      Transvaal University College (TUC) [1]
      Transvaal War [1]
      Trauma [11]
      trauma [2]
      Trauma causing factors [1]
      Trauma counselling program [1]
      Trauma dynamics [1]
      Trauma processing [1]
      Trauma resolution [1]
      Trauma spectrum manifestation [1]
      Trauma theory [2]
      Trauma-veroorsakende faktore [1]
      Traumaresolusie [1]
      Traumateorie [2]
      Traumatic SCI [1]
      traumatic sexualisation [1]
      Travel and boundaries [1]
      Travel prose [1]
      Travel story [1]
      Travel-cost approach [1]
      Travels in the Scriptorium [1]
      Travestie [1]
      TRCs [1]
      Treatment [2]
      Treatment regimen [1]
      Tree symbolism [1]
      Treebank [1]
      Trekos [1]
      Trektoerusting [1]
      Trial [1]
      Triangulation [2]
      Triangulering [1]
      Tribal authorities [1]
      Tribal authority [1]
      Tribal bond [1]
      Tribal government [1]
      Trickster [2]
      Trickster story [1]
      Triekster [2]
      triekster [1]
      Trieksterverhaal [1]
      Trinity College of London [1]
      Triomf [1]
      Tripartite Alliance [1]
      Tripartite partnership [1]
      Trompoppies [1]
      Tropes [1]
      Trust [2]
      Trustworthiness [1]
      Trypan blue [1]
      Tsa Lapeng [1]
      Tsenang! [1]
      Tsetse (Mafikeng, South Africa)-Economic conditions [1]
      Tshuaneng [1]
      Tsonga community [1]
      Tswana [2]
      Tswana (African people) [1]
      Tswana Literature [1]
      Turnover [2]
      Turnover intention [1]
      Tussengeneerasieverhoudings [1]
      Tussengenerasie verhoudinge [1]
      TV series [1]
      Tweede Vryheidsoorlog [1]
      Tweede Vryheidsoorlog, 1899-1902 [1]
      Tweede Wêreldoorlog [1]
      Tweerigting-simmetriese kommunikasie [1]
      tweerigting-simmetriese kommunikasie [1]
      Tweerigtingkommunikasie [2]
      tweetalige eerstetaalverwerwing [1]
      Twitter [2]
      Twitter bemarking [1]
      Twitter marketing [1]
      Two way communication [1]
      Two-way communication [3]
      Two-way symmetrical approach [1]
      Two-Way Symmetrical Communication [1]
      Two-way symmetrical communication [8]
      two-way symmetrical communication [1]
      Two-way symmetrical communication theory [1]
      Two-way symmetrical public relations' model [1]
      Tyberiadis [1]
      Tyd [2]
      tyd (in visuele kunste) [1]
      Tyd en geheue [1]
      Tydsuitdrukking [1]
      Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus [1]
      Type of relationship [1]
      Types of conflict [1]
      typography [1]
      Ubuntu [3]
      uBuntu [1]
      Ubuntu Magazine [1]
      Ubuntugogy [1]
      UCTD [1]
      Uganda [2]
      Ugubu [1]
      Uhlolo lwamantombazana [1]
      Uit die blou van onse hemel [1]
      Uitbranding [1]
      uitnemende kommunikasie [1]
      Uitnemendheid-teorie [1]
      Uitnemendheidsteorie [1]
      Uitreikprogramme [1]
      uitsaaitaal [1]
      Uitsaaiwese [1]
      Uitvallers [1]
      Ukuphanta [1]
      Ulysses [1]
      Umheimlich (Freud) [1]
      Unaccompanied cello [1]
      Unaccompanied child headed household [1]
      Unbounded text [1]
      Unconfessed [1]
      Unconscious [2]
      Unconventional Political Participation [1]
      Under-5 Mortality [1]
      Under-five deaths [1]
      Under-five mortality [3]
      Under-five mortality rate [1]
      Underachievement [1]
      Undergraduate Students [1]
      Understanding [1]
      underwater cultural heritage (UCH) [1]
      Undocumented migrants [1]
      Unemployed parents [1]
      Unemployed people [1]
      Unemployment [10]
      unemployment [1]
      Unequally yoked [1]
      UNESCO [1]
      UNESCO Convention on the Protection of UCH [1]
      Uniqueness seeking [1]
      United Arab Emirates culture [1]
      United Kingdom [1]
      United Nations peacekeeping [1]
      United Nations Resolution 1769 (2007) [1]
      Unity of Being [1]
      Universiteit [1]
      Universiteit van Leiden [1]
      Universiteitstudente [1]
      Universiteitsverlaters [1]
      Universities [2]
      universities [1]
      University [1]
      University incubators [1]
      University of Botswana-Employees [1]
      University of Leyden [1]
      University of Pennsylvania (Penn) [1]
      University rugby players [1]
      University setting [1]
      University Students [1]
      University students [3]
      Unmarried pregnancy [1]
      Unpaid care work [1]
      unpaid work [1]
      Unplanned Caesarean section [1]
      Unpublished fiction [1]
      Unstructured play [1]
      Unsupported child headed household [1]
      Unter dem Kalanderbaum [1]
      Untitled filmstills series [1]
      Untold [1]
      Untold / alternative stories / narratives [1]
      Unwelcome/unplanned/unexpected pregnancy [1]
      Urban [1]
      urban [2]
      Urban Africans [1]
      Urban development [1]
      Urban geopolitics [1]
      Urban South Africa [1]
      Urbanisation [2]
      urbanization [1]
      Urbicide [1]
      Usage data [1]
      Usage-based theory [1]
      User patterns [1]
      User profile [1]
      Users [1]
      Utalitarianism [1]
      Utilitarianism [1]
      Utilitarisme [1]
      Vaal River [1]
      Vaal Triangle in Gauteng [1]
      vaardigheidskole [1]
      Vaders [1]
      Vaders se ervaring [1]
      Vakbond Solidariteit [1]
      Valensiemorfeem [1]
      Validation [4]
      Validation argument [1]
      Validation framework [1]
      Validity [10]
      Validity -- South African context [1]
      Valse behoeftes [1]
      Value [1]
      Value interpretation [1]
      Value representation [1]
      Values [1]
      Values and characteristics [1]
      Values in Action Inventory of Strengths [1]
      Van Coillie [1]
      Van Leeuwen [1]
      Van Loon [1]
      Van Niekerk, Dolf. Skrik kom huis toe [1]
      Vanderbijlpark Campus (VC*) [1]
      Varieties [1]
      Variety status [1]
      Vascular dysfunction [1]
      VCT [1]
      Veelrassige pleegsorg [1]
      Veelvuldige gevallestudie [1]
      Veelvuldige verliese [1]
      Veerkragtigheid [2]
      vegetariër [1]
      Vegetation status [1]
      VEGF-A [1]
      Veilige internet gebruik [1]
      Veld [3]
      Veld fires [1]
      Veldteorie [3]
      Verantwoordelikhede [1]
      Verantwoordelikheid [1]
      verantwoordelikheid [1]
      Verbal text [1]
      Verbatim [1]
      Verbeelding [1]
      Verbondsteologie [1]
      Verbruikerskultuur [1]
      Verbs [2]
      Verdraagsaamheid [1]
      Vereeniging [1]
      Vereenvoudigde Nederlandse Spelling (VNS) [1]
      Verenigde Nasies Resolusie 1769 (2007) [1]
      Verenigde Nasies vredesoperasie [1]
      verganklikheid [1]
      Verhaalterapie [1]
      Verhoogvrees [1]
      Verhoor [1]
      Verhouding tussen ’n vader en ’n leergestremde kind [1]
      Verhoudingkultiveringstrategieë [1]
      Verhoudings [2]
      Verhoudingsbestuur [6]
      Verhoudingsbestuur-teorie [1]
      Verhoudingshanteering [1]
      Verhoudingskenmerke [1]
      Verhoudingskwaliteite [1]
      Verhoudingswelstand [1]
      Verhoudinguitkomste [1]
      verkiesings [1]
      Verkragter [1]
      verkragting [1]
      Verkragting insidente [1]
      Verlies [1]
      verlies [1]
      Vermaak [1]
      verraad [1]
      Verryking [1]
      Verset [1]
      Versorger [4]
      versorger [1]
      versorgers [1]
      Versorgers se ervaring [1]
      Versorging [1]
      Versplintering [1]
      Verstandelik gestremde kinders - Onderwys [1]
      Versterking van die self [1]
      Vertaalkunde [1]
      vertaalstrategieë [1]
      Vertaling [2]
      Verteenwoordigende demokrasie [1]
      verteenwoordigende demokrasie [1]
      vertelinstansie [1]
      verteller [1]
      Vertellersperspektief [1]
      Vertelling [1]
      Vertraging [1]
      Verwaarlosing [1]
      Verwagte uitkomste [1]
      Verwagtinge [1]
      Verwysing [1]
      Vetsug [1]
      Vhembe [1]
      VIA-IS [1]
      Viability [1]
      vibrato [1]
      Victim [3]
      victim centred justice [1]
      Victimization [1]
      Victims of crime [1]
      Victims of crimes [1]
      Victims of domestic violence [1]
      Victor Turner [2]
      Victorian [1]
      Victorian context [1]
      Victorian dwelling [1]
      Victorian fiction [1]
      Victorian literature [1]
      Victorian period [1]
      Vierskaar [1]
      Viet Thanh Nguyen [1]
      View of reality [2]
      Views [1]
      VIGS [2]
      Village [1]
      Villette [1]
      Violence [8]
      violence [1]
      Violence against women [1]
      Violence exposure [1]
      Violence related gunshot wounds [1]
      Violent conflict [1]
      Violent exposure [1]
      Virginity [1]
      Virginity testing [1]
      Virtual public sphere [1]
      Virtual realities [1]
      Virtual support and counselling [1]
      Virtue [1]
      Virtue ethics [2]
      Virtuele steun en berading [1]
      Virtues [3]
      Vision [1]
      Visions of community projects [1]
      visitor experience [1]
      Visitors [1]
      Visual [1]
      Visual communication [1]
      Visual Disability [1]
      Visual identity [1]
      Visual Impairment [1]
      Visual intrusion [1]
      Visual literary theory [1]
      Visual narratology [1]
      Visual problems [1]
      Visual pursuit [1]
      Visual text [1]
      Visual values [1]
      Visuele gestremdheid [1]
      Visuele kommunikasie [1]
      Visuele narratologie [1]
      Vocabulary [2]
      Vocabulary assessment [1]
      Vocabulary knowledge [1]
      Vocal classification [1]
      vocal embellishments [1]
      Vocal music teaching-learning practices [1]
      Vocal ornamentation [1]
      Vocal pedagogy [1]
      Voëlvry [1]
      Voice type transition [1]
      Voice-over [1]
      Voices of children [1]
      Vokale ornamentasie [1]
      Volhoubaarheid [1]
      Volhoubare ontwikkeling [1]
      Volhoubare opheffing [1]
      Volhoubare-ontwikkeling [1]
      Volksdanse - Lesotho [1]
      Volksfront [1]
      Volkskongres 1934 [1]
      Volkspele [1]
      Volksverhaal [1]
      Vollenhoven, D. H. Theodoor (Dirk Hendrik Theodoor),|d1892-1978 [1]
      Voltooide deelwoord [1]
      Volunteer [1]
      volunteer [1]
      Volunteer - Service center for the aged [1]
      Volunteer coordinators [1]
      Volunteering [1]
      Volunteers [4]
      Volwasse vroue [1]
      voorbereidheid [1]
      Voorbereiding [1]
      Voordele [1]
      Voorkoming [1]
      voorkoming [1]
      voorkomingsgerigte dienslewering [1]
      Voorkomingsprogramme [1]
      Voorkoms [1]
      Voorligting in hoër onderwys [1]
      Voorprosessering [1]
      Voorsiening en onderhoud [1]
      Voorskoolse kinders [1]
      Voorskrifhervullings [1]
      Voorspelling van akademiese prestasie [1]
      Vooruitgangsgeloof [1]
      Vorm-betekenis-passings [1]
      voter behaviour [1]
      Voter trust [1]
      vowel formation [1]
      Vowel quality [1]
      Vowels [5]
      Vox Studiosorum Studenten Weekblad [1]
      VPOS-konstruksie [1]
      Vredefort Dome [1]
      Vreemdelingetaal [1]
      Vriendskap [1]
      Vroeë adolesensie [1]
      Vroeë adolessensie [2]
      Vroeë adolessent [2]
      Vroeë adolessente [2]
      Vroeë kerkgeskiedenis [1]
      Vroeë Kinderontwikkeling [1]
      Vroeë kinderontwikkeling [1]
      Vroeë kinderontwikkeling (VKO) [1]
      Vroeë Kinderontwikkelings-programme (VKOP) [1]
      Vroeë Kinderontwikkelingsentrum [1]
      vroeë-adolessente dogters [1]
      vroeëkinderontwikkelingsprojekte [1]
      Vroue in mynwese [1]
      Vrouedigters [1]
      vrouepoësie [1]
      Vroulik [1]
      vroulike identiteit [1]
      Vrye orrelwerke [1]
      Vrye-wil [1]
      Vrye-wil dilemma [1]
      Vrye-wil kwessie / diskoers / gesprek / probleem [1]
      vryetyd [1]
      Vryetydsaktiwiteite [1]
      vryetydservaring [1]
      vryetydspersepsies [1]
      Vryheid van spraak [1]
      Vrystaat [1]
      Vrywilliger [1]
      Vrywilligers [2]
      VSA [1]
      Vulnerability [3]
      vulnerability [1]
      Vulnerable [2]
      Vulnerable children [1]
      Vyf fasette van mindfulness [1]
      W. B. Yeats [1]
      Waarderingsondersoek [1]
      Waarderingsperspektief [1]
      Wagon-whip [1]
      Waiting for the Barbarians [1]
      Walter Battiss [1]
      Walters, M. M., 1930- [1]
      Ward committees [2]
      Ward committees (WC) [1]
      Ward councillors [1]
      Warlords [1]
      Wash basin [1]
      water (in visuele kunste) [1]
      Water activity [1]
      Water crisis [2]
      Water history [1]
      Water hulpbron [1]
      Water management [1]
      Water Management Area (WMA) [1]
      Water Management Institutions (WMIs) [1]
      Water pollution [1]
      Water research [1]
      Water resource [1]
      Water resources [1]
      Water Sector Reforms [1]
      Water security [1]
      water security [1]
      Water service authority [1]
      Water Services [1]
      Water services [3]
      Water shortage [1]
      Water supply [3]
      Watersnake stories [1]
      Watkin Tudor Jones [1]
      Way of living [1]
      WCBS [1]
      Weak State [1]
      Weak/Strong State [1]
      Web-based [1]
      Web-based English [1]
      Web-chaost [1]
      Web-for-corpus [1]
      Web-gebaseerd [1]
      Weberian state [1]
      Website [1]
      Websites [1]
      Webtuiste [1]
      Webtuistes [1]
      Wedding band [1]
      Weermaggesinne [1]
      Weerstand [2]
      weerstandbiedendheid [1]
      Weerstandige gedrag [1]
      Weeskinders [1]
      WEF nexus [1]
      WEF nexus security [1]
      Weg! [1]
      WegRy [1]
      WegSleep [1]
      Weight over-concern [1]
      Weights of evidence [1]
      Welcome to Hard Times [1]
      Weldoener [1]
      Welfare [2]
      welfare [1]
      Well-being [28]
      well-being [3]
      Well-being perspective [1]
      Wellbeing [3]
      Wellness [2]
      Wellness Centre [2]
      Welstand [14]
      Welsyn [1]
      welsyn [1]
      wenty-Minute-Setswana [1]
      Werk [1]
      Werk-gesin balans [1]
      Werklikheidsbeeld [1]
      Werknemers [2]
      werknemers [1]
      Werknemerverhoudings [1]
      Werksbegeestering [1]
      Werkseienskappe [1]
      Werkservaring [1]
      Wes-Transvaal (South Africa) [1]
      Wes-Transvaal (Suid-Afrika) [1]
      wese-in-die-wêreld [1]
      West Malaysia [1]
      West Rand [1]
      Western [1]
      Western architectural styles [1]
      Western Cape Blood Service [1]
      Western Cape Provincial Government [1]
      Western culture [1]
      Western expatriates [1]
      Western feminism [1]
      Western Province of Zambia [1]
      Wet op Rampbestuur (57/2002) [1]
      Wetenskaplike rassisme [1]
      Wetenskapsfilosofie [1]
      Wêrelde en ruimte [1]
      WhatsApp [1]
      White Afrikaans speaking South African of the 21st century (BASA21) [1]
      White identity [1]
      White Paper on Intelligence [1]
      White Paper on Local Government [1]
      White resistance [1]
      White settlers [1]
      White South African English [2]
      White South African English (WSAE) [1]
      White South Africans [1]
      White, Patrick, 1912-1990 [1]
      Whiteness [1]
      whose task it is to counsel, inform [1]
      wil [1]
      Wilbur Smith [1]
      Wilderness [1]
      Wilderness - Expedition [1]
      Willem Anker [2]
      Willem Boshoff [1]
      Willem Brakman [1]
      William Gibson [1]
      William Spanos [1]
      William Wordsworth [1]
      Williams syndrome [2]
      Wilma Stockenström [1]
      Wim Henderickx [1]
      WIN platform [1]
      Wind ensemble [1]
      wind ensemble [1]
      Witch [1]
      Wives [1]
      Wolf [1]
      Wolwedans in die Skemer [1]
      Women [11]
      women [1]
      Women empowerment [1]
      Women in development [1]
      Women in drama [1]
      Women in mining [2]
      Women in public life [1]
      Women's magazines [2]
      Women's rights [2]
      women’s empowerment [1]
      Women’s experiences [1]
      Woonperspektief [1]
      Woordkunsinisatiewe [1]
      Woordsoortetikettering [1]
      Word [1]
      Word art initiatives [1]
      Word frequency and length [1]
      Word meaning [1]
      Word recognition [2]
      Word skipping [1]
      Word stress [1]
      Words [2]
      Work [1]
      Work engagement [5]
      work engagement [1]
      Work ethics [1]
      Work ethics of teachers [1]
      Work experience [1]
      Work Integrated Learning [1]
      Work life [1]
      Work measurement [1]
      Work role functioning [1]
      Work satisfaction [2]
      Work stress [1]
      Work study [1]
      Work-family balance [1]
      work-life balance [1]
      Work/life balance [1]
      Workers’ Party [1]
      Workforce [1]
      Working women [1]
      Workplace [3]
      Workplace bullying [2]
      Workplace dimensions [1]
      World Café [1]
      World Café Method [1]
      World Café method [2]
      World Englishes [5]
      world Englishes [1]
      World heritage site [1]
      World view [1]
      World War I [1]
      World's Fair and The Waterworks [1]
      World-making [1]
      worlds [1]
      Worlds and space [1]
      Worldview [2]
      wou [1]
      WoW dungeons [1]
      WoW fantasy [1]
      Writer [2]
      Writing [3]
      Writing pedagogy [1]
      Writing quality [1]
      Writing rating scales [1]
      Writing techniques [1]
      Written academic discourse [1]
      Written Standard Afrikaans [1]
      WSAfE [1]
      Wybenga [1]
      Wykskomitees [1]
      Wysbegeerte [2]
      Xenophobia [3]
      Xenophobic violence [1]
      Xers [1]
      Xhosa [2]
      Xhosa grammar [1]
      Xhosa music [1]
      XLE [1]
      Yellow press [1]
      Yoke [1]
      Yoke-pin (skey) [1]
      young adult [1]
      Young adult learners [1]
      Young adulthood [2]
      Young adults [8]
      Young beginner [1]
      Young black adults [1]
      Young children [2]
      Young creatives [1]
      Young female adults [1]
      Young offenders [1]
      Young people [1]
      Young pianists [1]
      Young women [2]
      Younger people [1]
      Youth [12]
      Youth at Risk [1]
      Youth characters [1]
      Youth Diplomacy [1]
      Youth empowerment [1]
      Youth Empowerment Programmes [1]
      Youth literature [5]
      Youth novel [1]
      Youth novels [1]
      Youth unemployment [1]
      Youth-at-risk [1]
      Yves Klein [1]
      Zakes Mda [1]
      Zambia [1]
      Zamdela cluster [1]
      ZAR [1]
      Zefrikaans [1]
      Zeitgeist [1]
      Zen [1]
      ZESCO Limited [1]
      Zimbabwe [6]
      Zimbabwean English [1]
      Zimbabwean immigrants [1]
      Zimbabwean migrants [1]
      Zimbabwean novels [1]
      Zimbabwe’s mining sector [1]
      Zimbardo time perspective inventory [1]
      Zuid Afrikaansche Republic [1]
      Zuid Afrikaanse Akademie voor Taal, Letteren en Kunst [1]
      Zuid-Afrikaansche Republiek [2]
      Zuid-Afrikaanse Akademie voor Taal, Lettere en Kuns [1]
      Zulu [1]
      Zulu-speakers [1]
      Zwart als inkt [1]
      Ἰουδαϊκὴ Ἀρχαιολογία [1]
      ‘Dream’ projects [1]
      ‘Spoeling’ [1]
      “Blackheart Gang” [1]
      “Christabel” [1]
      “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner” [1]
      “Two-thirds gender principle [1]